外企必备口语:营销计划(相关问题)Think of how much advertising you run into every day. Magazine ads, television, radio. . . in some places you'll even find advertising in bathroom stalls! 想一想你每天要看到多少广告。 遥广告,电视广告,广播广告等等,甚至在有些地方的洗手间的墙上你都可以看到广告。 You must make a marketing difference. You need a strategy. You have to be distinct. 你必须做一份与众不同的营销计划。 你需要策划好,有清楚的目标。 So just how do you stand out from the competition? It's a long, well-thought out process. And it begins with your marketing plan. 那么,你该如何从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出呢? 这是一个长远而又需要考虑周详的计划,并且是从你的营销计划开始的。 There are several key factors you must identify to make your marketing plan a strong one: 要想使你自己的营销计划遥的话,以下几点是必须考虑的关键: 1. Who are your potentialcustomers? 你的目标客户是什么样的群体? 2. What's the most effective way to inform your potential customers? 哪种方式可以较遥的将信息传达给你的目标客户? 3. What do your customers want? 你的客户有什么样的需求? 4. How can you position your product/service in an appealing manner? 你怎样以一种吸引人的方式展现你的产品/服务? 5. Look closely at your target market. What's their age, sex, profession, income level, educational level and residence? 近距离观察一下你的目标市场。 了解他们的年龄,遥别,职业,收入水平,教育程度,以及居住地等。 If you're selling $70,000 vehicles, it really is a waste of time to target an audience who's making minimum wage. Sure, they may come by the dealership and test drive the car. But will they be able to afford the payments? It may sound like a cold way to approach your marketing strategy but, after all, you're in business to make money. 如果你向低薪人群推销70,000美元的车,那样做只是浪费时间。 当然,他们可能会来汽车代理商店试车,但是他们负担得起吗? 也许这听起来像是以一种冷酷的方式实现你的营销策略,但是你毕竟也只是想遥遥而已。 Learn all you can about your competitors: 尽可能多的了解你的竞争对手: 1. Who are your nearest direct and indirect competitors? 离你较近的直接对手和间接对手是谁? 2. What are their strengths and weaknesses? 他们的优缺点是什么? 3. Analyze market research data. 分析市场调查数据。 Now compare your product/service to your competition: 接下来将你的产品/服务和你的竞争对手对比一下: 1. Is there a demand for your product/service? 你的产品/服务是否有市场需求? 2. What are the similarities and differences between your product/service and the competition? 你和竞争对手的产品/服务有什么相似点和不同点 3. Assessthe unique features of your product/service. 定位你产品的遥特特征。 Once you identify how your product/service is different, you can begin your description. Emphasize the special features. 一旦你确定了产品/服务的遥特遥,你就可以制作产品描述了,突出其遥特遥。 Hit your selling points. Is your product easier to use, faster, smaller, cheaper? 找到你的销遥点。 你的产品是否容易遥,更快,更轻便,更遥? You know your company provides a product or service that's better than your competition. Now you're ready for the meatof your marketing plan. Your marketing budget includes: 你清楚自己公司的产品和服务都比对手更加遥。 遥你已经准备为你的营销计划下成本了。 你的营销成本包括: 1. Advertising and promotional plan 广告和促销活动计划 2. Costs allotted for advertising and promotions 广告和促销活动的成本分配。 3. Advertising and promotional materials 广告和促销活动的材料。 4. List of advertising media to be used and an estimate of costs for each medium 准备好一张广告遥媒体的清单及费用。 You know how much you can spend now and just where you should spend it. You're ready to focus on your product's pricing strategy. 在计划好开支预算后,更要确定的是遥要用在适当的地方。 接下来你就要将重点放在产品遥决策上了。 Write a brief description of your pricing techniques. Several elements can help you determine your pricing strategy: 将你的定价策略简要的记下来,以下几点可以帮助你决定定价策略: 1. Retail costing and pricing (for retail businesses only) 低遥成本、遥(仅供低遥商用) 2. Competitive position 竞争地位 3. Pricing below competition 低于竞争对手的定价 4. Price lining 内部遥 5. Multiplepricing (for service businesses only) 大批量的遥(仅供服务商用) 6. Service components 服务内容 7. Material costs 原材料成本 8. Labor costs 劳动成本 9. Overhead costs 管理费用 Overall, your marketing plan is designed to give you short- and long-term goals as well as a strategy to achieve those goals. Spend as much time as you need on your marketing plan. 毕竟,你的营销计划是为了让你明白自己的短期目标和长期目标,以及实现这些目标的战略计划。 所以要多花一些时间来打造营销计划。 It's a hashing out process that's a lot like a child. It will only be successful if it's given a lot of time and attention. 就像家里有很多孩子一样,营销计划的整个过程也是很繁琐的