职场英语:工作忙?你是两餐半人么?上班的时候吃早餐吗? 遥是不是早午餐一起吃? 对于大多数上班族来说,按时遥三餐其实不是那么容易。 于是,便出现了我们遥要说的这样一类人,他们叫做“两餐半人”,每天的三餐中总有一餐被无情忽略,瞎对付着就过去了。 这在养生遥看来大概是遥理喻的事情吧。 Two-and-a-half meal person refers to those people who break the routine of three meals a day and always delay at least one meal (and then they don't eat right) because they're either too busy at work, or indifferent about eating. “两餐半人”指那些打破一日三餐常规,总有一顿饭不能按时吃(然后随便对付几口)的人,他们多数都是因为工作太忙或者对吃饭不怎么在意。 Those people usually have breakfast on their way to the office or have a brunch at a later time. Their lunch often takes place at desk and may repeatedly be interrupted by business calls, and dinner is sometimes cancelled because of extra work or weight issue. Three square meals eaten on time is an important Chinese health tradition. But these people consider dining more of a burden than a pleasure. 这类人的早餐通常是边吃边走,或选择跟午餐合并在一起;午餐一般在办公桌前解决,一顿饭可能还要被多次打断;而晚餐有时还会因为加班或者减肥等原因而干脆不吃。 在遥传统的健康理念中,每日按时吃三餐是很重要的一个部分。 但是,对“两餐半人”来说,吃饭似乎并不是一种享受,而成了负担。