职场英语:你参加过"辞职面试"吗?一说起面试,大家可能立马会想到正襟危坐的面试官和各种刁难的问题,还有期盼已久的那份offer。 如今,很多公司对提出离职的员工也会进行面试,了解他们辞职的原因,以期改善公司的工作环境,留住员工。 An exit interview is an interview conducted by an employer of a departing employee. Exit interviews are conducted by paper and pencil forms, telephone interviews, in-person meetings or online through exit interview management systems. Some companies opt to employ a third party to conduct the interviews and provide feedback。 辞职面试(exit interview)指雇主对即将离职的员工进行的面试。 这种面试通常会采取书面表格、电话、会面或者网络的方式进行。 有些公司会选择请第三方来进行辞职面试,然后提供反馈信息。 The purpose of an exit interview is to gather employees' feedback on the work experience in order to improve working conditions and retain employees. Other uses for exit interviews include improving work productivity, providing an early warning about sexual harassment, workplace violence and discrimination issues and measuring the success of diversity initiatives。 辞职面试的目的是收集员工工作经历的反馈信息,由此改善工作环境并留住员工。 其他目的包括:提高工作效率,对遥遥扰、职场遥以及歧视行为提出预警,衡量各类新举措的成效。 Common questions include reasons for leaving, job satisfaction, frustrations and feedback concerning company policies or procedures. Questions may relate to the work environment, supervisors, compensation, the work itself and the company culture。 辞职面试中常见的问题有:辞职原因,工作满意度,对公司政策或工作流程的不满和反馈等。 多与工作环境、上司、补贴、本职工作以及公司文化有关。