职场英语学习:八卦新上司有遥在办公室八卦不算什么,但是敢在办公室里八卦自己老板的不多,八卦自己老板有婚外情的更是不多。 怎么说也是在人屋檐下呀,请看下面办公室的八卦英语对话吧。 Miss A: what do you think of the new manager? 你觉得新来的头怎么样? Miss B: He is humorous and easy-going . 很幽默,很随和。 Miss A: oh? Really ? Do you know he is said to have an affair ? 是吗? 可你知道吗,据说他搞婚外情? Miss B: oh ,my ! he looks so kind ,who knows he is a wolf in sheep's clothes ! 哦,天哪! 他看起来一点也不像,原来是披着羊皮的狼啊! Mr C: Gossip girl , get start working ! 别再说三道四了,开始工作啦!