职场英语学习:有关加班的实用职场口语对于上班族来说,较不待见的字眼就是“加班”,特别是没有加班费的加班。 但是很多人为了“赶任务”、“给遥导留下好印象”等原因而不得已加班,你遥加班吗? 1. Would you work overtime today? 遥你加班吗? 2. We are paid double time for working after 5:00pm. 我们下午五点之后工作的话,时薪会比平时的时薪高一倍。 3. We get extra time off in lieu of payment for working overtime. 我们加班没有加班费,可以以休假代替。 遥你加班吗? 4. I need to finish up this project I've been working on. So I guess I am going to work through the night. 我得把手头上这个项目做完,我想我得熬夜了。 5. We all need some down time. 我们都需要时间放松放松。 6. You know how you have to "defragment" your computer? Well, sometimes our brains need some defragmenting, too! 你知道我们需要定期清理电脑吧? 有时候,人脑也需要清理清理。 7. I want the boss to notice my devotion! The economy is not great these days and I don't want to get laid off! 我希望老板能注意到我很敬业,遥经济形势不好,我可不想被解雇。 8. Nothing pisses me off more than having to stay late and work unpaid overtime. 我较烦的就是加班,而且是没有加班费的加班! 9. All week I'd planned to leave work early to go to the ball game. But the boss just threw a monkey wrench into my plans -- he asked me to stay late to finish up a special report for him. 整整一星期我都在打算要早点儿下班去看那场球赛。 但是我那老板却把我的全盘计划都打翻了——他要我加班为他写完一份特别报告。 10. If you add up all the vacation time and comp hours I have, I have a lot of time. 如果把我的假期和加班换来的补偿时间加起来的话,我有很多时间可以休息呢!