过节送同事什么礼物好,10个方案供你选择(双语) They say a person's work place is his/her second home. This is because generally after our own homes we spend most of our time at work. Thus people at our work place tend to become like our family. In due course of time you find yourself and your co-workers like a close knit family, bonded to each other constantly. This Christmas, being the season of sharing and giving out gifts to our loved ones how could we miss our coworkers? Below are a few Christmas gift ideas for co-workers that could come handy while choosing the best gift this Christmas: 1. Scented Candles 香薰蜡烛 Scented candles signify good luck. This Christmas, gift your co-workers a box of scented candles. You could also add a sweet message like,"May the lights of Christmas always shine above you". 香薰蜡烛预示好运。 圣诞就送同事一盒香薰蜡烛吧。 你也可以附上一条祝福:“愿圣诞之光永远环绕你! ” 2. Coffee Set 咖啡用具 Generally people at work are coffee lovers. This Christmas you could gift your co-workers a coffee set containing a pair of attractive coffee mugs. It would come really handy for them especially during the Christmas season when people seem to get a lot of guests. 通常工作的人都喜欢喝咖啡。 对于在圣诞节期间需要经常送礼的人来说,送同事一套别致的咖啡器具,不失为一种送礼的好选择。 3. A Bottle Of Red Wine 一瓶红酒 Wine stands for celebration. What could be a better reason to celebrate than the season of Christmas shining its bright light around us? Gift your coworkers a bottle of red wine this Christmas. It is one of the most sophisticated gifts that you can gift your co-workers this Christmas. They are sure to appreciate the fact that you thought about them. 红酒代表庆祝。 还有什么比圣诞更值得庆贺的理由呢? 圣诞就送同事一瓶红酒吧。 他们一定会感激你,因为你心中惦记着他们。 4. Wind Chimes 风铃 They say a good pleasing sound can instantly change your mood from bad to good. It brings happiness and spreads across the whole atmosphere. Hence wind chimes make a perfect gift for Christmas because it clears off the mind from stress especially in a stressful atmosphere at work. Hence wind chimes are definitely a recommended gift this Christmas. 有人说悦耳动听的声音能够马上让你恢复好心情。 它能带来欢乐并且把它播撒到周围。 所以风铃不失为圣诞上选的礼物,因为它能为人解压,尤其是在压力大的办公室里。 风铃确实是圣诞值得推荐的礼物。 5. Desk Clock 闹钟 At work, in an atmosphere filled with deadlines and lots of work, a desk clock could be really helpful. Hence a desk clock could be a good Christmas gift for your co-worker. There are different desk clocks available in the market or you could even search online for desk clocks of different shapes and sizes. Just make sure it has a long lasting battery life and tells the time clearly. 办公室一堆截止时间和工作,闹钟是很有用的。 所以闹钟是圣诞送同事的一个好礼物。 在商场甚至网上都能找到形状各异和大小不一的闹钟。 只要遥电池寿命够长,时间走得准就好了。 小编提醒:如果是给遥同事送礼物的话,就不建议送“钟”了。 送礼物也要符合各国的文化习俗。 6. A Basket Of Cookies 一篮子饼干 Christmas is the time to share sweets with your loved ones. Gift your co-workers this Christmas a basket of lovely cookies. You could purchase them or if it is possible prepare them at home. It is important that it is given with a lot of love. To make it even more special you could also add greetings and Christmas notes to the basket. 圣诞是和所爱的人们分享甜蜜的时刻。 这个圣诞就送同事一篮子可爱的饼干吧。 你可以到商店选购,如果有可能的话也可在家自己准备。 送礼物重要的是满满的爱。 为了使它更特别,你也可以在篮子里放上自己写的圣诞祝福。 7. Bamboo Plants 竹科盆景 It's been for generations now that Bamboo plants are considered to be lucky. It is said they not only bring good luck but they also improve relationships at the workplace or otherwise. Hence it is a recommended Christmas gift idea. Gift your co-worker a good luck bamboo plant this Christmas. And watch your relationship grow with your co-worker all year. 几个世纪来,竹子被认为是好运的象征。 据说他们不仅带来好运,也能在办公室或者其他场合增进情感。 所以这个圣诞送同事幸运的竹子也是值得推荐的。 让它们一整年见证你们感情的升温吧。 These are some of a few ideas which hopefully would help you find the most suitable Christmas gift for your co-workers. If you want the gift to be special make sure it's given thoughtfully and not just like a formality. May you have a blessed Christmas! 这些点子希望对你有帮助哦。 让你找到较适合送同事的圣诞礼物。 如果你想送些特别的,遥是遥挑选而不是走走过场。 圣诞,祝你好运!