职场英语:放假就要远离压力 十个不花遥的放松方式1. Read a Book 看本好书 Head to your local library and get yourself a library card, which is free. Many libraries now have lending services for ebooks, too, making it even easier to sneak a few moments of quiet relaxing time. Even if you're not a big reader, you might be surprised by how calming it is to simply sit and get lost in a few pages. 到家附近的图书馆,办张遥的借书卡。 许多图书馆甚至开通了电子图书服务,使你能够更好地享受遥阅读的时间。 即使你不是一个爱看书的人,你也会惊讶于遥看书,沉浸书本所带来的舒适和宁静。 2. Go For a Walk 散个小步 Anytime you are feeling like you just can't take anymore, head outdoors for a brisk walk. Getting your body moving is a great way to destress and let your brain work through your problems. Or grab a friend and chat away while pounding the pavement. 当你无法承受压力的时候,出门散个步。 活动身体能够减压并让大脑理清思路。 散步的时候也可以叫上一个朋友,一边聊天,一边活络身体。 3. Meditate 来个冥想 Find a quiet corner, and tune out for five minutes. Set a timer on your phone, and enjoy sitting in silence, download a self-guided meditation routine. 找个安静的角落,放松五分钟。 用手机定个时,享受遥,下载一段冥想词引导自己进入冥想状态。 4. Watch the Sunset (or Sunrise) 看场日落(或日出) We spend a lot of time working hard, which means getting outdoors isn't always at the top of the daily must-do list. On seriously stressful days, make time to watch the sunset — without your phone. Turn it off and sit while taking in the wonders of nature and celebrating the end of your long day. 我们每天都在卖力地工作,所以出门放松很少会被提上日程安排。 但压力实在大的时候,不要带手机,去看个日落。 坐下来欣赏大自然的美景,庆祝漫长的一天终于结束了。 5. Sing a Song 唱个小曲 Even if you're not a professional crooner, sing a song. Turn the radio up and sing along to your favorite tune, or hit the town for some karaoke. And singing gets your blood pumping — due to the deep breaths you take to belt out a tune — which elevates mood. 即使你唱歌不好听,没关系,唱首歌吧。 把音乐调大,伴着喜欢的曲子唱起来,或者干脆去唱个K。 由于唱歌时深呼吸带动了血液循环,你的情绪也会跟着好起来。 6. Yoga 练套瑜伽 You don't have to go to the gym to enjoy a yoga session. A simple Sun Salutation takes a few minutes and can be done just about anywhere. And once you've memorized the routine, you can relax with a bit of yoga anytime. 不是在健身俱乐部里才能练瑜伽。 一套简单的瑜伽仅仅花费几分钟,所以在哪都可以练习。 一旦你熟悉了动作,任何时候都可以做瑜伽来放松。 7. Smile 笑一笑 Simply smiling causes the brain to behave differently, transforming that stressed-out feeling into happiness. Call a friend who always makes you laugh, watch a silly movie, or just force yourself to smile, which tricks your brain into thinking everything is OK, even when you're feeling totally stressed out. 笑一笑能使大脑变得不一样,从压力重重变得快乐起来。 打个电话给能经常逗你开心的朋友,看部搞笑的电影,或者简单地强迫自己笑,这些都能改变大脑的运作,即使你已经压力山大了,笑一笑也能使大脑觉得一切都好。 8. Dance 跳个舞 Enjoy a dance party in the comfort of your own home, or find the perfect place to get your groove on. Dancing is fun, and you can do it anywhere. So crank the tunes and shake your booty. You'll be feeling stress-free in no time. 在家或者找个能让你动起来的地方跳个舞。 跳舞使人开心,而且你可以在任何地方跳。 所以打开音乐,扭动身体,你马上就会变得轻松起来。 9. Hot Bath 泡个热水澡 There's nothing more soothing than running a hot bath. While you're soaking, let go of the stress of your day. For a really relaxing treat, add several drops of your favorite scented oil. 没有什么比洗个热水澡更能让人放松的了。 当你全身浸泡在水里的时候,一天的压力就都不见了。 为了更加享受,你也可以加几滴芳香的精油。 10. Write About It 随意写写 When you're feeling run down, take a few minutes to write about what's bugging you. Or start a daily journal and dedicate time every day to writing, which helps calm frazzled nerves. Or get creative and write a short story! 当你情绪低落时,花几分钟时间写下那些让你烦恼的事,或者每天写日记,安排一段时间来随意写写,这能帮助你放松紧张的神经。 说不定你还能灵感大发,写出一个小故事呢。