职场英语:如何把握内定的招聘职位Beware The Phantom Job Listing John Nottingham says he was planning to hire a new design manager eventually. But when he heard a talented fellow alumnus of his design school was looking for a job, he wasted no time: He created an opening and hired the man right away. 约翰•诺丁汉(John Nottingham)是克里夫兰市(Cleveland)产品设计工程公司Nottingham Spirk的联席总裁,他说,他曾计划通过公开招聘方式选一名新的设计经理,然而,当他听说自己毕业的设计学校有位才华横溢的校友正在找工作,就毫不犹豫地新设了一个职位,直接将其纳入麾下。 Under normal circumstances, Mr. Nottingham, co-president of product design and engineering firm Nottingham Spirk, might have posted the opening on the Cleveland-based company's website or LinkedIn page. But in this case, he says, he couldn't afford to wait. 'Someone good was available, and we just grabbed him,' Mr. Nottingham says. 在正常情况下,诺丁汉可能会在公司网站或LinkedIn页面上发布招聘信息;但这次,他说自己实在等不及了。 他说:“正好有合适的人选出现,我们遥要做的就是把他牢牢抓住。 ” With the labor market remaining weak, such back-channel methods are becoming the rule, not the exception, when companies hire. 美国的就业市场依然疲软,而当企业招聘人才时,这种内定方式正成为一种普遍做法,而非偶尔的例外。 Many open jobs are never advertised at all, or are posted only after a leading candidate -- an internal applicant or someone else with an inside track -- has been identified. 许多空缺职位是从来不会对外发布的;另一种情况是,只有合适的人选出现后──如公司内部应聘者或与公司关系密切的人──相应的职位招聘信息才会对外发布。 Sometimes, as in Mr. Nottingham's case, a hiring manager creates a new position ahead of schedule to accommodate a favored prospect. 有时候,负责招聘的经理会为某个被看中的人专门创造一个新职位,就像诺丁汉的做法一样。 While this 'hidden' job market frustrates applicants, companies point out that it is perfectly legal to hire without advertising a job or to advertise one almost certain to be filled by an insider. They say internal hires generally perform better than external ones, at least initially, as research has shown. 虽然这种“隐遥”招聘方式让应聘者颇有微词,但招聘企业指出,不发布招聘启事就雇佣一个人或者发布一个几乎肯定适合内部人员的招聘启事是遥合法的。 他们说,根据研究遥,内部招聘的人员通常都要比外部招聘的人员工作表现更好,至少在一开始是这样。 Duncan Mathison, an outplacement executive and co-author of the 2009 book 'Unlock the Hidden Job Market,' concedes that anything hidden is difficult to measure but, by parsing labor statistics and recruiting surveys, he calculates that around 50% of positions are currently filled by informal means. 邓肯•麦西森(Duncan Mathison)是一名从事再就业咨询的高管,也是2009年出版的《解密隐藏的就业市场》(Unlock the Hidden Job Market)一书的合着者。 他承认任何非公开的事情都难以衡量公平与否。 通过对就业数据和招聘调查进行分析和计算,他认为目前市场中约有50%的职位是通过非正式渠道选人的。 Even though federal labor rules don't require employers to post openings, human-resources departments at many companies require them to be listed on a job board or career site for some period, says Debra Feldman, an executive career consultant based in Greenwich, Conn. 康涅狄格州格林威治市(Greenwich)的猎头遥黛布拉•费尔德曼(Debra Feldman)说,即使联邦劳动法规不要求企业必须发布招聘启事,许多公司的人力资源部门也会把招聘岗位的信息放在招聘公告版或求职网站上一段时间。 Such postings are meant to make hiring fair and transparent, and may help to protect employers from discrimination lawsuits or audits by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 发布这种信息旨在让招聘过程更加公开透明,并有可能让企业避遥遭到反歧视诉讼,或受到美国同等就业遥委员会(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)的审查。 But hiring managers frequently sidestep personnel requirements, forcing HR representatives to step in and 're-educate managers about the reasons for the policies,' says Lynn Hutson, director of talent acquisition at Brookdale Senior Living Inc. in Brentwood, Tenn. 不过,田纳西州布伦特伍德市(Brentwood) Brookdale Senior Living Inc. 公司人才招聘经理琳恩•哈森(Lynn Hutson)说,用人部门的经理往往会忽视一些人事规定,迫使人力资源部门介入,“对他们重申人事规定存在的意义和必要遥”。