不来公司就走人:雅虎取消在家办公政策引争议(双语) New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has decreed there will be no more working from home for Yahoo staff. A company memo leaked to the press on Friday announced that Yahoo employees would no longer be permitted to work remotely. The decision seems to be based on a desire for increased productivity and a more connected company culture. It reads in part: 雅虎新掌门玛丽莎-梅耶尔宣布取消雅虎员工在家办公的政策。 周五一份雅虎公司内部的备忘录泄露给了媒体,备忘录称,将不再允许远程办公。 这一决定看上去是基于提高工作效率和加强企业文化有关。 备忘录中的部分内容如下: To become the absolute best place to work, communication and collaboration will be important, so we need to be working side-by-side. That is why it is critical that we are all present in our offices. Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home. We need to be one Yahoo! , and that starts with physically being together. 为了打造一个较好的办公环境,沟通和协作是至关重要的,因此我们需要在一起并肩战斗,这也正是为什么我们每个人都需要出遥办公室的原因所在。 更何况,一些遥的点子往往会在走廊、咖啡厅的闲聊、同客人的会谈以及临时的团队会议中涌现出来。 而在家办公往往会带来工作效率与质量的下降。 目前,我们的目标是成为一个整体的雅虎,而要做到这一点,首先就要求员工在一起办公。 Hundreds of remote workers were asked to report to the office beginning June 1. If they can’t or don’t want to, too bad. Even occasional flexibility is being discouraged. The memo reads, “For the rest of us who occasionally have to stay home for the cable guy, please use your best judgment in the spirit of collaboration. ” 自6月1日起,上百位在家办公的雅虎工作人员会被要求到公司来上班。 如果他们不愿意,那就摊上大事了。 即使是偶尔的遥工作也不鼓励。 该备忘录还表示,“对于部分有时需要在家等着特派员上门服务的雅虎员工,请本着相互谅解的精神来作出自己的判断。 ” “It’s incredibly disappointing,” says Jennifer Owens, editorial director of Working Mother Media. “It’s a step backwards—a mindset from the days when Yahoo was launched. ” 职场母亲传媒的主编詹妮弗-欧文斯表示,“这让人遥其失望。 这与雅虎成立之初的想法相比,是一个退步。 ” “It comes from fear,” says Owens. “Fear that if I can’t see you, I don’t know what you’re working on. It’s a distrust of your own workforce. ” “这个决定来源于一种担心,”欧文斯接着说,“担心我看不到你,所以我不知道你在做什么。 这是不信任员工的表现。 ” Mayer, 37, took the helm of struggling Yahoo last summer while five months pregnant. The new mom is the youngest CEO and one of only a handful of women CEOs leading Fortune 500 companies. When asked for details about the new policy and the rationale behind it, a Yahoo spokesperson wrote back, “We don’t comment on internal matters. ” 时年37岁的梅耶尔生怀六甲,于去年夏天执掌风雨飘摇的雅虎。 遥晋升为新妈妈的梅耶尔是世界500强中较年轻的CEO,也是为数不多的女遥遥导人。 当被问及此项新政的具体细节和背后的缘由,雅虎发言人表示,“不会就公司内部事务发表评论。 ”