如何合理的管理上班时间,提高工作效率 Time is a crucial factor in today’s world that seems to be running on a speedily rotating spinning wheel. You need to juggle between your professional and personal lives with an ability that will enable you to make the best of both worlds. Here, we shall discuss some steps that will aid you to manage time effectively. 1. Create a to-do list The importance of making a to-do list is underrated. Having a clear list of what task has to be done with an approximate deadline will help in prioritization. So ensure that you make a to-do list at the start of everyday for the official work. It will take barely ten minutes for you to chalk out a list, but will save you hours of wasted effort doing unwanted and unplanned tasks. 2. Take breaks Take break from your activities once or twice a day. It can be drinking a cup of coffee or a brisk walk around the campus. You could allot a specific time in your daily schedule for such breaks. They rejuvenate and energize you. However, over indulgence must not be entertained. Ensure that the breaks are flexible but well planned. 3. Avoid time wasters When you are in office, you often tend to get sidetracked and get into activities that may lead you nowhere. This could include browsing, chatting or personal phone conversations. You need to ensure that you steer clear of such activities, especially when you are running on a tight schedule. 4. Learn to delegate If you have a subordinate or two working under you, ensure that you allocate appropriate tasks to them. Delegation is an art, and if used properly, can be a time saver. Allocate only the tasks that are in line with your subordinates’ experience and knowledge. You must provide them with guidance when needed. 5. Smart working is the key There is no point in spending hours on a work that can be done in minutes. Remember, smart working is what most people use to succeed in life. Hardworking is necessarily not the only way to see a work to completion. Find out alternative methods to do effective work and implement them so as to reap the benefits of smart working. Initial days may be challenging, however as you gain experience, smart working becomes the only way you work!