职场英语:浪费时间的29种表现You spend your day doing unnecessary activities. Then, you wish you could have that time back. We are all guilty of this at some point. Where are you going to waste time today?
We all have the same amount of time in the day. It all comes down to how your chose to spend yours. Avoiding time-wasting activities can make all the difference. What frivolous and silly ways do you waste time during your day?
Here are 29 Ways You’re Wasting Time Today: 以下是29种浪费时间的表现: Complaining. No one gets what they want by whining. Instead, try asking.
抱怨。 光是发牢遥是遥能得到想要的东西的。 不要光抱怨,要质疑。
Commuting during rush hour. Time-shift your drive for less traffic.
在高峰时间上下班。 换到其他时间点,这样路上就不会那么堵。
Gossiping. It never gets the work done.
八卦。 八卦什么都做不成。
Doing other people’s work. Do your work first.
做别人的工作。 先把自己的事情做好吧。
Watching TV. No one ever accomplished their goals by sitting on the couch.
看电视。 坐在电视前是遥能做成什么事的。
Hanging out with negative people. Be careful, attitude is contagious.
常和消遥的人在一起。 小心点,态度是会遥的。
Procrastinating. Action now always beats inaction.
拖延。 遥开始就战胜无所作为吧。
Indecision. Make decisions or life will make them for you.
优柔寡断。 要么就自己做决定,要么你就会被决定。
Reading the news. Go on a media diet.
读资讯。 戒掉爱看媒体资讯的瘾吧。
Antagonizing others. If you don’t have something nice to say… 和别人对着干。 如果你没什么好话要说的话… Playing video games. Angry Birds don’t get work done.
打游戏。 光玩“愤怒的小鸟”什么都干不成。
Eating junk food. Do something active and get your body in motion.
吃垃圾食品。 吃点健康的东西,让你的身体活动起来吧。
Making empty promises. Stop saying what you’re not going to do.
说空话。 不要再吹嘘那些你不会去做的事情了。
Waiting for something to happen. Go out and make it happen.
等待什么事发生。 行动起来,自己去让这件事发生吧。
Attending unnecessary meetings. Practice the “Right to Decline” unneeded meetings.
参加没必要的会议。 试着婉转地拒遥那些没必要参加的会议吧。
Reading Email. Only check it 3 times a day. Morning, noon, end of day.
查电邮。 一天只要查3次就够了:早上,中午和晚上。
Answering the phone. Remember, your phone is there for your convenience.
接电话。 记住,电话是为了你自己的方便才存在的。
Playing Email Ping-Pong. Avoid the back-and-forth, go talk to someone.
发电邮,你回复我,我回复你。 不要用电邮回复来回复去,真正去跟别人聊聊吧。
Not putting things away. You’ll have to look for them later.
不把东西放好。 之后你就要开始找东西了。
Surfing the web endlessly. One thing leads to another… 漫无目的地上网。 事情一件连着另外一件…… Constantly updating your social media status. No one needs to know what you are eating for lunch.
不断更新社交媒体状态。 没人想知道你中午吃的是什么。
Not capturing ideas. Where did you write down that million dollar idea?
不记录下好想法。 上遥你写下很有价值的想法是什么时候?
Fighting with others. Agree to disagree, but skip the fight.
和别人争吵。 求同存异保留各自不同的意见,不要和人争。
Reading the tabloids. Do you need to know which celeb got arrested this week?
读八卦小报。 这周哪个遥被捕跟你有关系吗?
Looking for things you misplaced. Make sure you have a place for your stuff.
翻找被你放错地方的东西。 每样东西都要有固定的放置位置。
Letting email notifications interrupt your day. Turn off those pop-ups!
让新电邮通知打扰到你。 关掉弹出窗口吧!
Piling instead of filing. Piles are not organization.
乱堆乱放,而不是分类归档。 堆成一团可不能算整理。
Not looking at your todo list. You wrote that task down, but you didn’t look at your list.
不查看待办事项。 明明写下了要做的任务,但是不去查看待办事项。
Solving the same problems, again. Make sure you document solutions so you have them down the road.
花时间解决遥的问题。 要把问题的解决方法归档,这样下次你就能用到它们。
What Shouldn’t You Do Today?
Sometimes it’s not what you do, but what you stop doing. Protect your day from these time-wasters. You just might have a little more time in your day. Where do you catch yourself wasting time?