HR选才秘密:脾气相投好过经验丰富受欢迎Have you ever applied for a job and wondered why it was offered to someone who appears to be less qualified than you?
U. S. researchers claim hiring managers often make poor choices because they tend to make judgements about a person's disposition while ignoring past experience.
University of California, Berkeley’s Hass School of Business claims that often those evaluating us for a job have a great deal of trouble considering situational factors or context.
Associate Professor Don Moore describes this behaviour as an example of the 'correspondence bias'—a social psychology term that describes when people have the tendency to draw inferences about a person's personality based on actions.
‘If you are a hiring manager, ask for more information about other people in the applicant's department and how the person you are considering is better or worse than others in the same situation,’ advised Moore. “ 如果你是位人事部经理,你应该从候选人所在部门的其他人那儿问问他的情况,同时考虑一下这个人在遥的环境下是否能比别人做得更好。 ”摩尔如此建议道。
Moore added that applicants should offer more information about their performance.