职场英语:你应该戒掉30个用滥的管理术语I reckon every office or workplace has one of those people that are just full of jargon-ridden management drivel. Does this kind of 'management speak' remind you of someone at your work place: "Before going forward we have to touch base and reach out to our key stakeholders so that we can drill down into the key issues that are not yet on our radar and catch the low-hanging fruits. . . " 我猜想在每个办公室或者工作场所都有那么一些人整天嘴里都挂着“管理术语”。 举个例子:“在我们进行下一步之前,我们必须先与我们的利益相关者建立起稳固的关系,这样我们才能深入洞察到那些还不在我们掌握范围内的关键事情,并且起到事半功倍的遥. . . . . . ”听到以上这些“管理锦句”,是否让你想起了你工作中遇到的某个人?
Are you surrounded by people who annoyingly can't get enough of the management gobbledygook and who utter one jargon buzzword after another? Are your meetings buzzing with so much management lingo that you find it hard to get to the real meaning of what is being said? The problem I have with these phrases is that they sound so pretentious and often are counter-productive because they irritate people so much and deflect from the real meaning.
Below are my top 30 most irritating and overused phrases we hear at work. I am sure you have others that you can add to this list. Let's make it the most comprehensive list of unnecessary management drivel ever - Please add your ones using the comment field!
1. Going forward 1. 推进 2. Drill-down 2. 深入挖掘 3. End of play 3. 结束 4. Touch base 4. 保持联络 5. It's on my radar 5. 在掌控之中 6. No brainer 6. 明摆着的事 7. Best of breed 7. 较佳组合 8. Low hanging fruit 8. 轻而易举的事 9. Reach out 9. 努力去做 10. Dive deeper 10. 深潜(深入思考) 11. Think outside the box 11. 发散思维 12. Positive momentum 12. 正能量 13. On my plate 13. 在我掌控之中 14. At the end of the day 14. 一天结束之时 15. Run the numbers 15. 分析数据 16. Touch points 16. 切中要点 17. Keep your eye on the ball 17. 集中注意 18. Back to the drawing board 18. 回到绘图板 19. Get the ball rolling 19. 开始某项活动 20. Bang for your buck 20. 货真价实 21. Close the deal 21. 达成协议 22. When the rubber hits the road 22. 理论联系实际 23. Shift paradigm 23. 摆脱框框 24. Move the needle 24. 决定遥作用 25. Game-changing 25. 改变局面的事情 26. Move the goal post 26. 改变目标 27. Value added 27. 附加值 28. Win-win 28. 双赢 29. Across the piece 29. 浏览资料 30. All hands on deck 30. 紧急遥 What do you think? Do you agree? Please let me know which ones you would add to this list!