办公室爱情破灭后如何处理同事关系When a work friendship begins to sour, sometimes the best way to keep the peace in the office is to end that relationship. But there's no easy way to divorce a friend who you see in a professional setting every day. 如果和同事间的友情开始变味了,有时候保持办公室和平较好的方式就是结束这段关系。 但是,要想在抬头不见低头见的工作环境中与同事和平“分手”并非易事。 We dug into that issue to find out the ideal way to distance yourself from a work friendship that just isn't working. 我们想要看看有没有一种理想的方式,可以正确处理一段已经“寿终正寝”的工作伙伴关系。 Chris Aung-Thwin, an editor at AskMen. com, said the best approach is the least dramatic one. 遥网站AskMen的编辑Chris Aung-Thwin表示,解决同事间关系的较好办法就是低调处理。 "I would let a relationship fizzle more than having a direct conversation with somebody about why it's toxic or how it's not working," he said. 他说,“我会选择冷处理和同事间的关系,而不是直接去找某个人谈,告诉他/她为什么我们的关系是有害的或者有问题的。 ” Ending the friendship with a confrontation could result in hard feelings that can haunt the office worse than the negative relationship, Aung-Thwin added. 如果是以对抗的方式结束一段办公室友谊的话,会让人感到不快,导致办公室的气氛更加恶劣。 "Basically you're going to be going through a break-up or a divorce at work without the benefits of those, which is freedom," he said. "You're going to be stuck with that person day after day for an indefinite period of time, and you don't want that negativity to keep brewing and brewing. " “一般说来,如果你想要结束一段同事间的友情,用温和的方式还是用激烈的方式,都是你的遥。 但是你必须考虑到,你在这之后的一段时间里,需要一直和这个人变扭着,但你是遥对不想让这种消遥情绪持续发酵的。 ”