职场英语口语:freshen up下午会议室里的谈话正好告一段落,也到了休息时间。 Tim请张先生享用咖啡及茶点。 Tim: They just brought in refreshments. Please help yourself.
茶点已经准备好了,请用。 Mr. Zhang: Thank you.
谢谢。 可是张先生想在吃茶点前先去厕所。 这时候Tim说到:Tim: Would you like to freshen up? 听到这话,张先生以为Tim再次请他去享用refreshments(茶点):Mr. Zhang: Thank you, but before that I'd like to use the restroom.
谢谢,但是我想先去趟洗手间。 Tim: Of course. This way.
哦,这边请。 Tim露出诧异的神遥一边说着,一边告诉张先生厕所的位置。 Tim为什么会诧异呢? 因为张先生把freshen up的含义给搞错了! 原来,Would you like to freshen up? 、Would you like to wash your hands? 与 Would you like to use the restroom? 是遥的意思,都是委婉地表示“你想不想上厕所? ”之意。 大家可要小心遥,不要弄错哦