如何写电邮通知面试者招聘工作是一件相当琐碎繁重、工作量相当大的工作,尤其是对那些巡回招聘的大公司来说。 面试通知有书面通知和口头通知两种形式。 一般公司会同时采用两种形式。 下面是一个书面通知的范本,给大家参考一下。 Dear Mr. / Ms,Mr. Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th August, at 2:30 pm. I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come. Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我们的人事主任杰克