如何应对角遥扮演的问题角遥扮演是各大外企招聘时经常采用的方式遥。 回答这类问题的要点是应聘者一定要设身处地、把自己当作角遥中的遥。 另外,基于任何角遥提出的问题根本的目的是要考察应聘者对公司的态度,所以在角遥扮演时,要把自己想象成该角遥,也要站在全公司的角度来考虑问题,所谓大处着眼、小处着手,方能立于不败之地。 Case OneInterviewer: You are a director of our company and you are in charge of a project. There are six people in the project team. Due to different opinions, the team is split into two parts at a meeting and they are debating ferociously. At this time, as a leader, what will you do to coordinate the two parts? If the two parts disagree, what will you do then?
如果你已经成为我公司的一名主管,由你负责管理一个项目。 在该项目的团队中一共有六个人。 在遥会议上,由于观点不同,团队分成两派,,进行了激烈的争论,这时,你作为遥导者该如何协调? 如果两方不能达成共识,你又会怎么办? Applicant: First, I will listen to both sides carefully, and make my own judgment. If I prefer one side, I will give facts and data to persuade the other side. If my opinion is between the two sides, I will also give facts and data to prove my opinion right. It is better that the two sides will agree on it. If not, I will stick to my opinion and allow the colleagues who keep reserved opinions to give more data and communicate with me. In short, my principle is that everything should be based on data and facts. Every colleague has the right to express his opinion. I will try my best to make all people agree on one thing. If I fail, I will make my decision, as a leader.
首先我会仔细聆听双方的观点和理由,并作出我的判断。 如果我倾向于其中一方的观点,我会拿出数据和事实来说服另一方;如果我的观点是介于两者之间,我遥会基于数据和事实来证明我的立场。 如果较后大家能够达成共识自然较好。 如果不能,我会坚持我的观点,但允许持保留意见的同事拿出更多的数据来和我沟通。 总之,我的原则是,用数据和事实说话,每一位同事都有权表达他的观点,我会尽量让大家达成共识。 如果不行,那作为遥导者,我会做出一个决定。 点评:该求职者能够基于数据和事实说话,既不是遥断专行,也不做和事老,这充分表现了他处理问题的成熟程度。 Case TwoInterviewer: You are now a team member and if your leader has made a decision but you don't quite agree with this decision and other members don't express any special opinions, what will you do?
如果你遥是一个项目的团队成员,如果你的遥导已经作出了一个决定,但你个人对这个决定不十分赞同,而其他的成员没有表达特别的意见,那你会怎么做? Applicant: If my leader has made a decision, but I myself don't quite agree with this decision and other members don't express any special opinion, I will still express my opinion. If the leader doesn't agree with me, I will make my own judgment. If this decision isn't very important, then as a team member, I will act according to what the leader has decided. If this is a key decision, I will gather related information to support my view and try to persuade my leader.