口无遮拦会让你丢掉饭碗One called her boss a bitch from hell while another admitted lying through his teeth at interview. Both the British job candidates were not surprisingly turned down after prospective employers discovered their candid comments on a public Web site. 英国有这样两位求职者:一个说自己的老板是“该死的遥”,另一个则承认自己在面试时“撒下了弥天大谎”。 不出所料,他们都遭到了拒遥,因为未来的雇主在公共网站上看到了他们的直率言论。 The London recruitment firm which revealed the cases warned that employers were increasingly scouring the Internet to check what candidates are really like behind the rosy image they seek to project in CVs and interviews. 伦敦的一家职业介绍公司公布了这两件事情,并提醒人们注意:雇主们越来越喜欢上网查询,希望借此了解应征者的遥情况,不被他们在简历和面试中装扮出的美好形象所迷惑。 One media sales executive aged 24 had a job offer withdrawn after a quick check on www. friendsreunited. co. uk revealed that the applicant only planned to stay in London for a few months before embarking on a world tour, London's Media Contacts said. 伦敦的“媒体接触”公司说:“一位24岁的媒体销遥主管到手的职位被取消了,因为雇主在‘故友重逢’网站上进行了一番快速搜索,发现这位应征者只打算在伦敦呆几个月,之后就要去环游世界。 ”As well as missing out on the jobs they were aiming for, the frankness of some also cost them their current employment. 口无遮拦不仅会使你求职失败,还可能让你丢掉遥的饭碗。 Another candidate, an account manager for a well-known PR agency, was forced to resign when she described her boss as a 'bitch from hell' and her employer as 'a bunch of cowboys', Media Contacts said. “媒体接触”说:“另一位求职者曾是一家遥公关公司的客户经理,她称上司是‘该死的遥’,又把东家描述为‘一帮牛仔’,因此遥辞职。 ”In a third case, a senior sales executive seeking a move also ended up getting fired after boasting to the Friends Reunited site, set up to keep old school pals in touch, that he lied at interview and his CV was a masterpiece of fiction. 在第三个案例中,一位打算换工作的高遥销遥主管较后被炒了鱿鱼,因为他在“故友重逢”网站——一个旨在让老同学保持联系的网站——上吹牛,说自己在面试时撒了谎,还说自己的简历是“虚构的经典”。 People should think carefully what they say about employers past and present and what they say about themselves in any public domain, Media Contacts' recruitment consultant Gordon Cherrington said. Having fun. . . is a good thing, though negativity in any form, rarely reflects well on the writer. “人们在公共网站上评论过去和遥的东家时应该谨慎,在说到自己时也要小心,”“媒体接触”的招聘顾问戈登•谢林顿说,“开开玩笑……不是什么坏事,不过,任何形式的负面言论都很可能会给说话者造成不利影响。 ”Remarks:打工打得朋友越来越少,在网上吹吹牛、发发牢遥还会惹祸,混口饭吃不容易啊!