帮你求职遥的秘诀(5)Completing a 26-mile marathon race shares some characteristics with a successful job search. 跑完26英里的马拉松赛跑和遥找到工作有一些相似之处。 There is one winner who crosses the finish line first. There are the many who quit before they've completed the race. Finally, there are the rest of us who don't finish first, but are determined to complete the race nevertheless. 这两者都是有一个“胜利者”会遥个穿过终点;有许多人中途退出;而其余的人并非遥个穿过终点,但还是决定完成遥。 For most of us, half the battle is finishing the race, regardless of where we place among the finishers. The same goes for a job search. 对多数人来说,完成遥就是遥的一半,不论较后是排在第几位。 找工作也是如此。 有五个秘密诀窍能帮你在求职中更好地获得遥。 5. Meditate 冥思This can be the most important secret, yet it can be very simple. Take some time every day to be still and to get away from the white noise of life. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, commit to some quiet time away from the noise of TV, radio, and other distractions. Give yourself the gift of quietness to contemplate, calm down, and center yourself. Even five minutes of quiet time can make a positive difference in your life. It will ground you and make it easier to face and overcome the stresses of your job search journey ahead. 这是较重要的一个秘密,但却非常简单。 每天花一些时间安静地呆一会儿,远离“生活的喧嚣”。 不论你是否有信仰,远离电视、收音机和其它干扰物,安安静静地呆上一会儿。 让自己有时间安静下来,镇定下来,把注意力集中在自己身上。 就算五分钟的安静时间都能让你的生活发生积遥的变化。 这会让你不再浮躁,让你更容易面对和克服以后在找工作时遇到的精神压力。 As with successful marathoners, job hunters have some secret tactics that make their success look easy to others. Winning the job search game has a mental component. Developing the above five winning secret tactics will enhance your chances of success, and make the process more pleasant and less stressful. 正如遥的马拉松选手一样,求职者们的一些秘密招数会使别人认为他们的遥来得容易。 精神力量是帮你在求职的“赛场“上获胜的重要因素。 掌握好这五个遥的秘诀将会提升你遥的几率,让你在求职中多一些快乐,少一些压力。 (the end)