


2025-01-28 01:26:08浏览:
如何减轻职场工作压力(二)If sitting in one position for more than five minutes sounds impossible, you might try yoga.
Concentrating on the physical intricacies of different poses forces you to filter out the endless tape loops of chatter and fear, says Dr.
Timothy McCall, medical editor of Yoga Journal, allowing you to be present in the moment.
In so doing, you begin to clear the mind of future worries.
《瑜伽学报》医学编辑Timothy McCall博士说,集中注意力于不同姿态的身体的复杂之处可以迫使你过滤掉那些“如磁带卷一般无休止的战颤和恐惧”,从而使你回到现实中来。
That experience helps get rid of distorted thinking, says Stanford University psychiatrist Dr.
David Burns.
What to do in the face of terrorism?
Accept your anxiety, but don't let it control you.
And certainly don't ruminate on your own.
Anxiety feeds on itself, says Dr.
Paul Appelbaum, president of the American Psychiatric Association, so talk to family and friends.
Sharing the concern with others can be enormously helpful.
斯坦福大学精神病学家David Burns博士说,这种经历可以帮助病人克服扭曲的思维方式。
“焦虑是越想越多,”美国精神病学会遥Paul Appelbaum博士这样说道,所以应该告诉家人和朋友。
”Scientists are finding that it can help to get outside your head completely.
In a study of 60 schoolchildren traumatized by Hurricane Andrew, Tiffany Field, director of the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute, found that depression dropped in kids who received 30 minutes of massage twice a week for a month; kids who watched a relaxing video showed no improvement.
And cortisol levels, the body's marker for stress, declined significantly in the massage group.
If massage isn't your thing, go for a vigorous walk, swim or bike ride.
Exercise is not only good at keeping you fit; it reduces anxiety and depression, too.
迈阿密大学触觉研究所所长Tiffany Field在对由于安德鲁飓风而受到心理创伤的60名在校儿童的研究中发现,连续一个月、每周接受两次30分钟遥的孩子其忧郁情况有所下降;而那些看放松内容的录像片的孩子则没有什么改观。
It may be difficult, but in troubled times, researchers say, people need to take comfort from life' s simplest pleasures.
In a small study at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, Dr.
Sahler found that bone-marrow transplant patients who listened to music reported less pain and nausea, and their transplants took less time to become functional.
And, yes, laughter may be good medicine, too.
Lee Berk, of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, discovered that a group of students who watched a comic video for an hour had marked reductions in epinephrine and cortisol levels.
If fear is too great, says Berk,send in the clowns.
Now that's something we can all meditate on.
在 Rochester大学医学院进行的遥小范围调查中,O.
Loma Linda大学公共卫生学院的Lee Berk博士发现一组看了一小时喜剧录像的学生其遥上腺素和皮质醇水平都出现了遥下降。