


2025-01-28 01:27:08浏览:
培养办公室里超人的心态(一)Have a trusting mindset -- trust your skills培养自信心——相信自己的能力Main idea要点High performers don't question their basic ability to do what's required.
Instead, they concentrate on the task at hand completely because they don't even have to think about the mechanics of what they're attempting to do well.
This is the essence of the trusting mindset.
Supporting Ideas要点阐释A trusting mindset is the cumulative result of many result of many years of education , training and experience.
All of that background is ingrained into your instincts so that when it comes time to perform, you do the right thing without having to deliberately and consciously think about it .

At times, humans complicate things too much.
Instead of simply doing the task at hand as well as possible ,we sometimes start thinking about the many background issues and flow-on results further down the road .
We get to busy thinking about all the peripheral issues that we ignore the need to execute the task at hand as well as possible ,and end up choking because we worry too much.
但我们往往多虑了无数的琐事和后果,一天到晚忙着“假设”,以至忽略了“实施”,终落得“憔悴损”、“一场空”……In some ways the trusting mindset is what a person is in before they know any better.
It's the opposite of the training mindset where people stop and evaluate deliberately what they're doing.
The trusting mindset means to use all the expertise which you have instinctively rather than deliberately.
High performers don't get too bogged down in detail.
Instead, they divide their time intelligently between working on their game and actually playing it.
A good analogy for performing in the trusting mindset is to think about how squirrels run across a wire or try to find food .
Squirrels don 't sit there and think about what is the best thing to do.
Instead , they react instinctively to the stimuli that comes through their senses.
Overachievers do something similar in that they concentrate exclusively on performing well when it's time to get out and perform.
Key Thoughts核心思想How do great performers in every field switch on their trusting mode at will?
Some do it intuitively, and that is why we call them 'natural talents' ,Others, however , have learned to trust their abilities and their experience by gradually spending more and more time at work in the Trusting Mindset .
You can learn it ,too, but you have to be willing to be uncomfortable at first .
If you're skilled at using your Training Mindset ,just letting yourself trust will feel quite foreign.
Often when I describe the Trusting Mindset to my clients, they immediately ask ,'What do I have to do to make it happen?
' I tell them to do nothing - and then repeat it again and again.
They look at me as if I'm crazy.
But that's exactly how the best perform; they practice thinking of nothing when the pressure is on.
Success depends on emptying your head rather than filling it .
You can do that too - if you're willing to retrain your mind.
It will take some work.
To join the ranks of overachievers will require you to make some perhaps uncomfortable and often misunderstood choices about how you think when you're performing.
--John Eliot“各个遥域的遥遥为什么能随意遥他们的自信心呢?