


2025-01-28 01:25:08浏览:
培养办公室里超人的心态(三)Create your own reality by ignoring the experts别管遥意见,创造自身条件Main Idea要点To stand out from the crowd, you have to be prepared to think differently from everyone else .
It’s impossible to be an overachiever with conventional thinking.
You have to stand out by living in your own world and generating your own realities rather than accepting the realities dictated by society (and blindly followed by most people).
Do your own thing.
Supporting Ideas要点阐释Exceptional thinkers view the world through their own lens.
If they don’t like the lens they currently have, they get active about inventing another one better suited to the task at hand .
They never get sidetracked by worrying about whether others think they have what it takes to succeed.
Nor do they worry about the odd early failure along the way.
Overachievers are busy doing their own thing to worry about such superficial issues.
For overachievers, being described as “weird, “arrogant”, or “a maverick” is a badge of honor.
They realize that to do something noteworthy or even to solve a big problem, they won’t get there by thinking the way everyone else does.
Instead, they have to be original, even if that involves upsetting a few apple carts and putting a few noses out of joint.
The paradox is most people give lip service to the idea of originality but then proceed to live a life chained to convention, popular opinion and following whatever is the trend of the moment.
Overachievers are deaf to their critics.
They focus on doing things that impress themselves, even if those ideas seem strange or outrageous to everyone else.
And above all, exceptional performers ignore what the best performers in every field consistently force the experts to end up seeing the world their way rather than the other way around.
If you walk around constantly thinking about your strategy and ignore the immediate tasks in front of you, you’re falling into the trap of allowing external events to control how you think and feel .
When you need to perform under pressure, you need to ignore your inner conversation or external circumstances and concentrate on performing well.
Exceptional people get very good at switching off all the day-to-day annoyances and focusing on the business at hand.
You need to do the same.
This will mean the difference between being a victim of your thoughts and taking positive control over the fabric of your life.
Key Thoughts核心思想“The top guns in every field do not leave how they think to chance.
And neither should you.
”_____John Eliot“每个遥域的遥遥都不会由别人决定他们该怎么想,你也要如此。