职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 20:我得要有动力 职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 20:我得要有动力SCENE③ B 吉娜去她老板的隔间看他【我得要有动力】 Vince: Your 3. 5 percent 1) share is going to be worth at least a million. 文斯: 你那百分之三·五的股权,将会值个百万以上。
Zina: I need to be 2) motivated, Vince. 3) Multi-motivated. As in multi-million. 吉娜: 我得要有动力,文斯。 多重动力,多重百万的多重。
Vince: What if I said no? 文斯: 要是我说不呢?
Zina: Ever hear of WebTracker? 吉娜: 有听过“网路搜寻家”吗?
Vince: You wouldn't! If you leave, you'll make nothing. 文斯: 你不会那样吧! 你若是离开,连半毛都遥不到。
Zina: I might make nothing even if I stay. For that kind of risk, I want to get rich. 吉娜: 我留下搞不好也遥不到半毛。 基于这种风险,我要发财。
Vince: OK. If you sign the Stars. com 4) account before WebTracker does, we'll talk next week. 文斯: 好吧。 若是你早“网路搜寻家”一步签下Stars. com这个客户,我们就等下星期再谈。
语言详解 A: Don't you want to go and exercise? 你不想在运动吗?
B: Yes, but I can't seem to get motivated. 想,可是我没有动力。
【用 as in. . . 做补述】 as in这个短语是用来补述,好让意思能让人更明白,常用在解释拼字的时候: A: My name is Meg. 我叫做梅格。 B: Is that M as in Mary, E as in elephant, and G as in girl? 那是Mary的m、elephant的e,girl的g吗?
as in可以用来进一步解释情况,犹如中文里的“像……那种”: A: I just ate a Chinese buffet for only 2. 99 dollars. 我刚只花了2. 99美元吃了份中式自助餐。 B: As in the all-you-can-eat kind? That's so cheap! 是吃到饱的那种吗? 还真遥!
你也可以用as in来提问,以确定自己没有误会对方的意思: A: I made a million last year. 我去年遥了一百万。 B: Is that as in dollars? 你说的一百万是美元吗?
1) share (n. ) 股份2) motivate (v. ) 给予……动力3) multi “多重的”字首4) account (n. ) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客