


2025-01-28 01:25:03浏览:
教你写英语简历(8):工作经验与个人成就1、工作经验 Work experience/Internship 格式: 职位 部门 公司 年月日 --遥数字 --英文写全 --时间倒叙写 (1)职位名称尽量往新单位职位上靠 (2)烘托公司背景 --公司名称(如4A或500强),适合换行业的求职者,你要向HR说明原公司的实力 company reputation --公司规模(适合排名不高,但是规模较大的公司) company size --客户资源(适合公司没名,规模也不大,但是合作公司很牛)customer resources 例: Intel (Fortune 500 company) SINOPEC (multi-national company) MNC 普华永道(四大) 这些描述前面都可加项目符号 One of the top 5 international companies in IT industry A large company with over 1000 employees in China Major clients include P&G, Mars, and China Mobile 总结: 写公司优点,不要写缺点; 首先介绍公司规模,然后再写职位,部门; After his internship, he becomes a full-fledged physician.
2、个人成就 Note: what you need to show is your achievement, not your job description.
Action word+Key word E.
Generated over $15 million in first year sales with new project management tools using Share point and B2B site.
时态:一般遥时(遥正在做的工作);一般过去式(过去的工作经历) 晒成就的关键词:量化、金遥、时间期限; 在较可能少的词条中加入尽可能多的优点(with, by, using)——如何获得成就的方法、途径 with sth.
(by) doing sth.
两周内研读大量英文技术资料迅速熟悉Brew平台 Master Brew platform in 2 weeks by reading enormous amount of English manuals and supporting materials familiar with-NO learn how to use-NO master-YES!
不会找词用词典找近义词; 如何节省笔墨?
就先写关键词,然后再考虑其它词有没有必要加,是否累赘 Summary: Action word+ achievement (money, time, number) + method/tools