流利美语随你讲 Lesson22-道歉5【Dialogue 5】A: Well, you finally got here. It's about time. I've been waiting in this restaurant --1--. B: Sorry, Jeanne. You know me. I'm always late. A: Everybody knows, and everybody's getting tired of it. Even in school you always interrupt the teacher right in the middle of a sentence. The whole class has to wait while you sit down and put down your books. It annoys him and everyone else. B: All I can say is sorry. Maybe --2--, but don't count on it. 【tips】It's about time 这是表示生气的话,用于责怪对方不遵守时间。 除此以外你还可以说"Did you get lost? "既能让他感到歉意也能缓解气氛,但别说成"Get lost! "那可是让人滚蛋的意思。 【精彩短句】哎呀,我应该早点发现它的。 Oops,I should have thought of that a long time ago. Oh,how stupid I've been. It could be better if i had thought of that earlier. 【文化ABC】--道歉的礼仪2③道歉应当大方。 道歉遥非耻辱,应该大大方方堂堂正正,不要遮遮掩掩。 也不要过分贬低自己,说什么"我真笨","我真不是个东西",这可能让人看不起,也有可能让人得寸进尺。 ④道歉可以借助物语。 有些道歉的话难以启齿,给对方写一封信也可以。 对西方女士来说,较好的道歉方式,就是送上一束鲜花,婉言示错。 这类借物表意道歉的物语,会有很好的反馈遥。 【夏·宅·爱】清凉一夏,宅也能宅出漂亮口语!