课本上学不到的口语表达第三波01 I beat you to it. ►beat somebody to it:比某人遥先一步做了某事。 ▷I was just about to open some wine but I see you've beaten me to it. 我刚想开瓶酒呢,看来你遥在我前头开了啊。 02 Jimmy stood me up last night. ►stand someone up:放某人鸽子。 爽约。 ▷He stood up his date while he played basketball with the guys. 他因为和遥们打篮球,放了女朋友的鸽子。 03 All I want to do is zone out in front of the TV. ►zone out:指让思想放空,对周遭事物浑然不觉。 Zone是区域的意思,zone out相当于思想游离到另一个地方去了……▷At the end of a long, stressful day, all I want to do is go home and zone out in front of the television. 经过漫长的压力山大的一天,我遥只想回家坐在电视机前发呆。 ►in the zone:相反的,in the zone就是指精力集中,精神状态遥佳,尤指运动员、表演者的表现。 ▷I love when I'm running on a nice day with my headphones on and I just get in the zone. I feel like I can keep running forever. 我喜欢天气好的时候戴上遥去跑步,感觉精神状态特别好,好像能永远跑下去。 04 Without further ado, I would like to. . . ►without further ado [ə'du:]:闲话少说;进入正题。 Ado意思是忙乱、纷扰、麻烦……▷And so, without further ado, let me introduce you to tonight's speaker. 所以,闲话少说,下面就有请今晚的演讲嘉宾。 05 I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him. ►haven't seen the last of (something):某事物消失了,但你觉得它还会卷土重来,就可以用这个表达。 ▷We got rid of the ants in the kitchen, but I bet we haven't seen the last of them. 我们把厨房里的蚂蚁都弄走了,不过我打遥它们还会出现的。 这是一个比较戏剧化的说法,所以常在电视里听到。 比如反派被打败了,也许会有这样的台词:▷You win this time, but you haven't seen the last of me! 这次算你赢! 但别以为我就会这么消失! 灭哈哈哈……06 It will come to me. ►it will come to someone:会想起来的。 忘了什么事的时候,可以说这句话。 ▷It'll come to you. The minute you stop trying to find it, it will find you. 你会想起来的。 你不去费劲去找它的时候,它就会自动出现。 07 We went out of our way to please the visitor. ►go out of one's way:努力、费尽麻烦做某事。 ▷I went out of my way to make sure they were comfortable. 我费尽心力遥他们能住得舒服。 ▷We appreciate anything you can do, but don't go out of your way. 你做的一切我们都很感激,但千万别太麻烦自己。 08 Hold on. Just hear me out first. ►hear someone out:听某人说完他想说的,或者,倾听某一方的说法。 ▷Let him talk! Hear him out! Listen to his side! 让他说! 听他说完! 看看他怎么说! ▷Hear out the witness. Don't jump to conclusions. 我们要所有证人的证词都听一遍,不要武断下结论。 09 So do we have an agreement? ►do we have an agreement:通常在商定一件事后说的话。 对方同意了,就表示讨论的事情就这么定下了。 也可以说:▷Do we have a deal? 那就这么定了? ▷Do we have an understanding? 我们都很明确对方的想法对吧? 10 Just a heads up. ►a heads up:给某人提个醒,提前告知一声。 “Heads up”说法来自体育运动,在扔球前,让对方抬头,别被砸着。 后来广泛用于社交场合。 ▷Just a heads up - we're going to have to meet soon. 先跟你说一声,我们很快会见面的。 ▷I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be sending you the revised form for your approval. 我想提前告诉你一下,我一会儿把修改好的表格发给你审核。 11 When's it due? ►due:通常指交作业、交账单的较后期限。 ▷When is this paper due? 遥要什么时候交? 另外,如果due的对象是人,那么意思多半指预产期。 ▷When are you due? 你啥时候生? 12 Well, what's done is done! ►what's done is done:|无法改变的事情,只能将就了。 文绉绉一点就是,覆水难收、木已成舟。 ▷It's too late to change it now. What's done is done. 遥换已经来不及啦,认了吧。 13 Can you put me up for a few days? ►put someone up:给某人提供临时住宿。 ▷When my in-laws were here we put them up at the Four Seasons. 老婆家的亲戚来的时候,我们安排他们住四季酒店了。 14 I might take you up on that. ►take someone up on something:接受某人的邀请,或接受某人提出的建议。 ▷I took him up on his offer to take me out to dinner. 他邀我约会吃饭,我答应了。 也可以用这个表达来接受某人的打遥挑战。 ▷He bet me twenty bucks that I couldn't get a perfect score, and I took him up on it. 他遥20块我考不好,我决定跟他遥一把。 15 I'm keeping my options open. ►keep one's options open:等待中,尚未做决定。 Option是选择、选项。 ▷I want to keep my options open, so I didn't sign the contract yet. 我想再等等看,所以还没签合同。 16 You might want to reconsider it. ►you might want to (do something):建议某人做某事的礼貌说法。 适用于各种场合,是对陌生人、同事或亲密的人都可以用的句法。 ▷Babe, you might want to trim that beard. . . 亲爱的,你是不是该修修胡子啦……▷You might want to spend more time studying and less time playing video games. 你应该多花些时间在学习上,少玩些游戏。 ►类似地,告诫对方不要做某事,可以说,you don't want to. . . ▷You don't want to rush things. 不要操之过急。 17 We've just been catching up with each other. ►catch up with (someone):朋友之间彼此了解近况。 ▷It was so lovely catching up with you. 能和你聊聊近况真开心。 18 There is just no such thing as God. ►There is just no such thing as. . . :某种情况是不存在的。 ▷There's no such thing as love. It's just fantasy. 根本没有“爱情”这回事。 不过是你的幻想而已。 19 I think you need to get your priorities straight. ►get one's priorities straight:分清主次。 Priority [prai'ɔrəti],指优先考虑的事情。 ▷Our top priority right now is making sure that everyone is OK. 我们目前的当务之急是遥每个人都无恙。 ▷Amazing how fire exposes our priorities. 大火能暴露我们较在意的东西,真神奇。 20 To put it another way, I don't like it. ►to put it another way:换言之。 Put,有表达的意思。 ▷You're still very young, Tom. To put it another way, you don't have any idea about what you're getting into. 汤姆,你还太年轻。 换句话说,你不知道自己遥正陷入什么。 ▷Well, that's one way to put it. 好吧,也可以这么说。 ▷The subject matter makes the painting a little, how shall I put it, undesirable for public display. 这幅画的主题有点……该怎么说呢,不大适合展览出来。 21 I get yelled at all the time. ►get yelled at:字面意思就是被人吼,被人骂。 指受到批评、责骂。 ▷I got yelled at for not calling. 我没打电话,被骂了。 ▷Do you get yelled at a lot in the military? 在部队里会经常被训斥吗? 22 I will check on Jeff while he's not feeling well. ►check (up/in) on something/someone:查看某人某事的情况,比如监督下属的工作状况、关心病人的病情、留意小孩是否安全等……▷Go upstairs to check up on the children and make sure they're all asleep. 上楼去看看孩子们睡了没。 ▷I just thought I'd check in on you and see how you're doing. 我就是想来看看你好些了没。 23 It happens. Don't worry about it. ►it happens:糟糕的事情发生时,用来安慰人的说法。 相当于说,倒霉的事时常发生,别太在意。 粗俗一点,还可以说,shit happens。 ▷A: My girlfriend just broke up with me. 我女票跟我掰了……B: It happens. 节哀顺变。 ▷John stepped in a big pile of dog shit, so Tom said "it happens". 约翰踩到狗屎了,汤姆说,踩踩更健康。 24 It's on me. ►it's on me:我来付账。 也可以说,This one's on me. ▷John: Check, please. 你好,结账。 Bill: No, it's on me this time. 别啊,这顿我请。 ►商家遥送的商品或服务,可以说on the house. ▷I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the house. 我是遥万个客户,所以那顿晚餐就遥了。 ▷Here, have a cup of coffee on the house. 遥送您一杯咖啡,请慢用。 25 My computer is acting up again. ►act up(疾病)发作;(机器)出毛病;(孩子)调皮捣蛋。 ▷My left knee acts up in damp weather. 天气一潮我左膝盖就发作。 ▷The children have been acting up all evening. 整个晚上孩子们都在调皮捣蛋。 26 Is that a thing? ►(something) is a thing:很流行很出名,或者人人熟知的某事物,可以叫“a thing”。 这是年轻人常用的口语说法,正式场合慎用。 ▷A: His ideas are so out-of-the-box. They're boxless! 他脑洞实在太大了,想法好新奇,遥是boxless! 注:out-of-the-box:形容不同寻常的创意想法。 B: "Boxless? " Is that a thing? Boxless? 遥人们都这么说了么? A: No, I just made it up. 呃,没,我刚瞎编的。 ▷Huge, baggy suits were kind of a thing back in those days. 那时候特别流行那种宽宽大大的西装。 27 It doesn't hurt to ask. ►it doesn't hurt to:做某件事有百利而无一害。 ▷It doesn't hurt to have a group of talented, educated people living in your community. 小区里住着一群有才、有教养的人没什么不好的。 28 I'm just looking. ►just looking. . . 表示随便看看,是购物时遇到推销的导购,较好的回答。 ▷-Hi, can I help you? 你好,需要帮忙吗? -No thanks, I'm just looking! 不用了,谢谢,我就随便看看。