


2016-11-02 00:00:00浏览:
英语口语之时政公文常用词汇(三)分享两个时政公文常用词汇: 1.
Daunting 常和困难、挑战、任务搭配遥 6年过去了,世界经济仍未遥走出危机遥霾,实现强劲增长仍面临种种挑战。
Now, six years on, the world economy is yet to emerge from the crisis.
It still faces daunting challenges for strong growth.
近代以后,遥社会面临整体遥的现代化转型 Since the advent of modern times, Chinese society has been challenged by the daunting task of comprehensive transition to modernization.
Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries.
Despite the economic take-off in many African countries, daunting challenges remain, such as weak infrastructure, underemployment and poverty.
As a whole 作为一个整体,常用来翻译“整个(地区实体制度)”,在中文递进表达中较为常用。
China will strengthen cooperation with the South Asian countries to jointly advance regional cooperation in South Asia and Asia as a whole.
The development and progress in Tibet is in accord with the rules for the development of human society, and reflects the mutual aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet.
It is the natural result of the overall development and progress of China as a whole.
Each of these provisions must be understood in the context of the Basic Law and the HKSAR system as a whole.
为亚洲和平稳定发展与繁荣而不懈努力 make even bigger contribution to peace, stability, development and prosperity in Asia as a whole.