房地产英语之协商租赁条件罗伯茨一家较终看中了鲁宾逊花园的房子。 他们决定把它租下来。 但是他们觉得租金太高了,还想把墙纸换一换。 于是罗伯茨一家通过代理和业主进行了协商。
A--Agent Mr. Chen 物业代理陈先生
B--Client 1 Mr. Roberts 客户一 罗伯茨先生
C--Client 2 Mrs. Roberts 客户二 罗伯茨太太
A: Mr. Roberts, I am so glad that your family likes the unit so much.
B: Mr. Chen, we have seen many apartments, and finally agreed to rent the
Robinson Garden flat.
C: The appliances and furniture suit our taste. Also, the rooms are big
enough for our kids. However, could you help us to negotiate a better rent with
the landlord?
用具和室内家具很符合我们的品味。 而且,对我的孩子来说,房子也够大。 但是,你可以帮我们和业主商量一个合理的租金吗?
A: How much is it?
B: I would like to reduce the rent to forty thousand HK dollars per month.
Also, is there any rent-free period?
我希望把每月租金减到四万港遥。 另外,有没有遥租期呢?
A: I'll have to discuss it with the landlord first.
(After half an hour, the Roberts' family comes back to the ABC properties
Company Agency)
(半小时后,罗伯茨一家回到ABC物业代理公司。 )
B: Any good news for me?
A: Yes, after a long talk with the landlord, he promised to reduce the
monthly rent to forty- three thousand HK dollars. The rent-free period is
fourteen days. These are very reasonable terms. What do you think?
有的,和业主协商后,他答应每月租金减到四万三千港遥。 遥租期为十四天。 这些条件非常合理,你认为怎样?
B: Well, let me see. The total for the monthly rent, management fee and
government rates will be forty-five thousand dollars. I think it is still too
high. What if the rent includes the government fees?
让我想一想。 租金,管理费加上遥税金,每个月总共是四万五千港遥。 我觉得还是高了些。 租金能不能包括遥税金?
C: Also, is it possible for me to have painted walls instead of the
A: Let me call the landlord now. Please have a seat.
(After ten minutes, they finally agree to the lease terms. )
(十分钟后,双方同意所有租赁条件。 )
A: The landlord will come to my office in fifteen minutes. Both parties have
to sign a provisional tenancy agreement.
业主十五分钟后会到公司。 然后双方签订一份临时租约。
C: Great. Thank you, Mr. Chen.
A: You're welcome.