Video Text:
The [au] diphthong. The first sound of this diphthong is once again a sound that does not stand on its own as a vowel sound in American English. However, it is very similar in sound to the aa as in bat. The way it is different from that sound is that the jaw on aa, aa, is tighter. And on aa as in ow, it drops more. In that way, it is similar to the ah as in father. Also, as you can see, aa, theres the lift here, and its not quite as extreme in the , . In that sense, the lips are also like the ah as in father. The tongue however, aa, ow, is similar to the aa as in bat in that its raised in the back and then comes forward, and thats what you see.
The second sound is written as the uh as in pull. I do find, however, that it tends to taper a little bit towards the oo as in boo without the lips actually coming into that position.
[au]是一个双元音,它的遥个音并不像它本身所写的那样念作[a],但是却和bat中的[]音很相近。 它俩的区别在于:发[]音时下颌收得紧些,嘴角有遥的上扬;而发[au]中的遥个音时是下颌要下垂一点,嘴角没有那么上扬。 不过发两个音时,舌跟都要抬起然后向前舒展。 [au]的第二个音写做pull中的[u],但是它更接近于boo中的[u:]音,但是唇形没有收得那么紧。
Sample words:
cow 奶牛
bough 大树枝
sound 声音
Sample sentence:
I came back from vacation and found my flowers dead and brown. 度假回来发现我养的花已经死了,都变成棕遥的了。