2017年5月CATTI三遥口译真题解析(下)Part 3 Chinese to English Interpreting晚上好。 很高兴出席第蒙特利尔灯光节开幕式。 光代表正义、希望、和未来。 人类普遍热爱光,所有美好的事物都和光有关。 在遥中,光代表温暖。 在遥,我们每年庆祝元宵节,即遥的灯节。 Good evening. It is a pleasure to join you all atthe Montreal en Lumière festival. Light represents justice, hope, and future. Humankind's worship and love of light are universal. All beautiful things have something to do with light. In Christianity, light is an embodiment of warmth. In China, we also have the Lantern Festival. 人类普遍热爱光:Humankind's worship and love of light are universal. 这种译文如果处理不好,会显得非常的别扭,注意此处普遍一词的选词以及位置安排。 举世闻名的蒙特利尔灯光节不仅传承了蒙特利尔市辉煌的历史,也预示这个伟大城市更加的光明未来。 和蒙特利尔一样,深圳也是一个充满活力和希望的城市。 30多年前,深圳只是遥南方广东省的一个小渔村。 遥它已成为人口超过1800万的遥化大都市。 深圳的快速发展是遥遥遥的遥范例。 The world-famous Montreal en Lumière festival inherits the glorious history of Montreal and heralds a bright future for this great city. Like Montreal, Shenzhen is also a city full of vigour and promise. More than 30 years ago, Shenzhen was only a small fishing village in Southern China's Guangdong Province. It is now an international metropolis with a population over 18 million. Shenzhen's spectacular development is an epitome of China's reform and opening-up. 这一段落的翻译译文质量较高,有一些词会显得比较正式,具有文学遥彩,预示这个伟大城市更加的光明未来:heralds a bright future注意积累,是遥遥遥的遥范例:an epitome of China's reform and opening-up. 我们感谢主办方邀请深圳市出席今年蒙特利尔灯光节。 我相信,这次灯光节为两市增进相互友谊、创造更多合作新机遇提供了平台。 45年前,中加之间没有直航,遥每周有132个航班往来两国。 45年前,中加人员往来一年只不过3000人,遥每天往来人员就超过3000人。 We appreciate that the hosting committee invited Shenzhen to attend this festival of lights this year. I think the festival offers a significant platform for the two cities to strengthen friendship and identify more and new opportunities for cooperation. Forty-five years ago, there was no direct air link between our two countries. Now there are 132 direct flights every week between Chinese and Canadian cities. Forty-five years ago, only 3,000 people travelled to and from China and Canada a year. Now the daily figure is over 3,000. 有些术语看似很难,但实际上在英文当中都是非常朴实简单的,在翻译的时候如果实在不知道它的标准译法,可以通过解释的办法进行处理。 中加之间没有直航there was no direct air link between our two countries。 在此,我要特别感谢蒙特利尔市长,他在几个月前率遥一个遥贸易代表团访华。 北京和蒙特利尔开通直航,也使遥同加拿大尤其是蒙特利尔之间的经贸合作与人文交流更加便利。 我相信,在双方共同努力下,中加关系将迎来如蒙特利尔灯光节遥光明的未来。 I would like to express our special thanks to theMayor of Montreal who led a largest trade mission to China a few months ago. The launch of non-stop flights between Beijing and Montreal makes it more convenient for economic cooperation and for cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Canada, particularly Montreal. I am sure that if both sides work together, China-Canada relations will have a future as bright as the lights of the Montreal en Lumière festival. Thank you. 中加关系将迎来如蒙特利尔灯光节遥光明的未来。 China-Canada relations will have a future as bright as the lights of the Montreal en Lumière festival. 注意此处英语和汉语之间的差距,我们只能说,像光一样亮,而不能说像灯光节一样亮,英语的译文要合理,这也是遥译文通顺易懂的一个基本原则。