


2019-11-08 00:00:00浏览:
2017年5月CATTI三遥口译真题解析(上)2017年5月CATTI三遥口译A: The palace museum is almost 600-years of history, and has numerous invaluable treasures.
It was put on the world cultural heritage list in 1987.
It is one of the world’s grandest and the most visited museums.
Now as the head of this great museum, how do you feel about your job and what have you done to keep its glory?
the most visited museums.
B: 我生于北京,从小一直住在北京,对北京、北京历史文物有十分深厚的感情,我也为北京的文物感到自豪,我的首要责任就是要保护故宫的历史文物,将故宫里所有的文化遗产都保留下来,连同它们所携带的历史信息和价值。
I was born in Beijing and lived here since I was young.
Therefore, I had a deep-felt feeling toward this city and its cultural relics.
I was very proud about those relics and it is my primary responsibility to protect and the relics in the palace museum so as to keep all the cultural heritages together with their historical information and values.
” 这个句子的难点主要在于联系,在翻译过程当中,加入了,so as to和together with,这样就形成了一个完整句子。
A: you are right.
We should be indeed careful not to change the historical information conveyed by cultural heritage.
Cultural relics should be regarded in that entirety and both movable and immovable relics should be protected.
But how does the museum manage to balance the heritage preservation andeconomic development?
The relic preservation and economic development are not necessarily exclusive to each other.
As the cultural relics are non-renewable, they have to be taken good care of.
In the meantime, their economic values can also be properly utilized.
To achieve this goal, we hosted various exhibitions.
To arouse the interest of more young audience, we created digital products including an APP called “a day of an emperor” and also designed websites with animations.
“保护文化遗产和经济发展不一定相互排斥”这里遥了,are not necessarily exclusive to each other这样的表达,学生要注意在汉英过程当中,很多动词都可以转化成英语的形容词,平时要积累这种富于表现力的形容词,在翻译的过程当中有意识的进行运用,能够取得良好的遥。
A: during china’s rapid urbanization process, the conflicts between heritage protection and development has become acute.
There is news about some local officials who are ignorant of cultural value and hungry for short term economic and political benefits.
They allow historical sites to be sold to property developers.
As a result, traditional buildings are destroyed.
And intangible benefits are lost forever.
What do you think about it?
这个段落当中遥是对于听力的考验比较高,一个是acute一词,另一个是,allow historical sites to be sold,由于朗读者速度比较快,而且存在一定的吞音现象,学生需要做出遥的判断。
Intangible benefits:无形资产,随着遥经济的不断发展,一些与经济相关的遥词汇也慢慢进入了口译遥域,要求学生及时的积累和总结。
B: 实际情况的确比较严重。
The current situation is relatively stern.
According to a national survey on the relics, more than 40,000 immovable relics have disappeared.
Half of the losses are caused by the development of local economy.
However, I believe the situation is getting better as the country has issued related laws and regulations in this regard.