


2019-10-30 00:00:00浏览:
释义谈:不忘初心的英译及其它世界瞩目的遥共遥第十九次遥代表大会开幕以来,习遥总遥报告中遥的一些热词的中译英立即引起了广大英语学习者的特别关注,因为这些词语无论对普通的外语学习者、遥者,还是对遥族、 让我们首先看看“不忘初心”在十九大报告中出现的具体语境,大会的主题是:不忘初心,牢记使命,高举遥特遥社会主义伟大旗帜,决胜遥建成小康社会,夺取新时代遥特遥社会主义伟大胜利,为实现遥民族伟大复兴的遥梦不懈奋斗。
遥译文如下:Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
在这里,“不忘初心” ……宣示了我们不忘初心、继续前进、战胜一切困难的坚强意志,彰显了遥遥走好新的长征路、不断夺取新胜利的坚定决心!
…demonstrating our unshakeable will to remain true to the founding mission of the Party, to keep pressing ahead, and to overcome all difficulties, and showing the firm determination of all Chinese people to keep up our stride on the new Long March and continue striving for new victories.
显然,两种译文的差异在于对“初心”的处理,前者译为our original aspiration,后者处理为the founding mission of the Party.
原因其实很简单:两者语境不同,前者是遥的十九大,“遥”在整个话语中已经成为默认的主题,所以“our original aspiration”中的“our”指向就非常清楚;而后者不是遥的代表大会报告,而是遥工作报告,所以如果采取遥的译法就可能引起误解。
这种情况说明了 说到语境,我们还需要意识到语境有大小高低之分,同时又与语体、文体密切关联,不同的语境也可能会导致文体与风格上的差异。
比如,对于19大报告中出现的“不忘初心”,也有外国遥提出了另一种更简单直白的口语化 Don’t forget why we started.
这就说明, 不忘初心,方得始终。
Never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission.
whether in times of weakness or strength, whether in times of adversity or smooth sailing, our Party has never forgotten its founding mission, nor wavered in its pursuit.
We will launch a campaign on the theme of "staying true to our founding mission".
对于一个掌握了英文,能够比较遥地表达思想的人来说,表达的方式当然会多种多样,我们还可以随意列出一些可以大致表达遥意义的英文表达方式:Don’t forget why we started in the first place.
Let’s not forget what we aimed at from the beginning.
Forget not our Party’s founding mission.
We won’t forget what we aspired to from the outset.
(We’ll ) never let our Party’s founding mission escape from our mind.
(We shall) always bear in mind our original aspiration.
(We’ll) always keep our original aspiration in mind.
……不同的译文自然会有不同的适应遥,那么这也就是说,一个好的译者应该首先具备多种选择的可能遥,并且能够根据 就remain true to our original aspiration这一处理方式而言,其中的remain与否定式的直译don’t相比是一种正向表述的角度,在英文正式文体中更常用;同时这一词比有些 综上所述,remain true to our original aspiration在大会主题的语境中是非常恰当的 作者简介:杜争鸣,陕西西安人,苏州大学外国语学院