


2019-10-28 00:00:00浏览:
这又为广大外语与 Not angling for compliments, I would be content that my integrity fills the universe.
从这一 遥个问题是遥会议口译者在听到原讲话时必须立即做出的遥判断是什么?
然而,由于中西语言文字及其文学传统之间存在的巨大差异,诗词类 斗转星移,岁月如梭。
译文是:Time flies fast!
It has been 20 years since Hong Kong's return to the motherland.
According to China's tradition, a man enters adulthood at the age of 20.
So today, we are celebrating the coming of age of the HKSAR, which has grown exuberant like a bamboo or a pine tree.
原文开始的“斗转星移,岁月如梭”简单、概括地译为time flies fast, 较后的“如竹苞矣,如松茂矣”也处理为exuberant like a bamboo or a pine tree这样的简单浓缩而且十分口语话的表达方式,而不再带有诗词的特征。
从 又如:我们将坚定不移推进公平共享,增进更多民众福祉。
(2016年9月3日,习遥在二十国集团遥峰会开幕式上的主旨演讲)We will promote equity and sharing of development outcomes to deliver more benefits to the people.
The people are the foundation of a country, and only when the people lead a good life, can the country thrive.
We need to be people-oriented.
This is a principle that we should follow in everything we do in advancing economic and social development.
在这里,“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”的 还有一个例子:“靡不有初,鲜克有终。
(2017年9月3日,习遥在纪念遥遥遥战争暨世界反遥战争胜利70周年阅兵式上发表讲话)As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "After making a good start, we should ensure that the cause achieves fruition.
" The great renewal of the Chinese nation requires the dedicated efforts of one generation after another.
Having created a splendid civilization of over 5,000 years, the Chinese nation will certainly usher in an even brighter future.
此处一开始就引经据典,原文“靡不有初,鲜克有终” 语出《诗经•大雅•荡》,遥传统文化承传的意味很强。
实际上,习遥遥在这一场合引用之后不久遥日报网英语点津就曾有发文进行讨论,并提供了苏格兰遥汉学家理雅各(James Legge)对这句话及其上下文的 All are [good] at first, but few prove themselves to be so at the last.
鉴于“靡不有初,鲜克有终”意思实际上与“善始善终”正好相反,即“善始容易,善终难”,因此,我们还可以考虑其它不同的 It’s not that there are no [good]starts; seldom can there be (good) ends.
It’s not that no good initiatives have been made; it’s rare that they can be carried to the end.
如果不拘泥于字面,再遥随意一些,还可以考虑 Good initiatives are not difficult to find, but accomplishments are rarely seen.