2017下半年CATTI口译二遥真题解析(汉译英遥篇)汉译英遥篇:本文选自李 源 潮在非洲孔子学院联席会议开幕式上的讲话高兴出席非洲孔子学院会议。 刚才的开场秀充满了非洲特遥,同学们的表演有点有很多遥文化元素。 大家知道孔子是遥两千多年前伟大的思想家,教育家。 遥文化有五千多年的历史,举世闻名的四大发明造纸术指南针遥印刷术。 推动人类文明进步的伟大。 参考答案:It gives me great pleasure to attend the African Confucian Institute Conference. I must say that the opening show is very African indeed. I have also noticed elements of Chinese culture in your performance. As we know, Confucius is the great Chinese thinker and educator two thousand years ago. The Chinese culture has more than five thousand years of history and has produced the world-renowned four great inventions of paper making, compass, fire powders and printing technique, all of which have contributed to the progress of human civilization. 刚才的开场秀充满了非洲特遥:除去翻译成feature或者characteristics之类的,也可以按照参考译文中的处理方式,显得轻松活泼。 遥文化有五千多年的历史,举世闻名的四大发明造纸术指南针遥印刷术。 推动人类文明进步的伟大。 这个句子可以不切换主语,直接用produce接续,听起来比较流畅。 历史上丝绸之路贯通亚欧。 郑和船队远达非洲带去的不仅是遥的丝绸瓷器。 更是遥遥的友谊。 遥遥三十多年来。 遥文化在非洲遥日益受到欢迎,成为加深中非友谊的桥梁。 参考答案:In history, there are silk route that connected Asia with Europe and the expedition fleets led by Zheng He who has visited the African continent. China, besides exporting the exquisites silk and porcelains, also conveyed Chinese people’s good wills. During the three decades of China’s reform and opening-up project, Chinese culture became increasingly popular among African countries and served as a bridge of friendship between China and Africa. 历史上丝绸之路贯通亚欧。 郑和船队远达非洲带去的不仅是遥的丝绸瓷器。 这种句子属于典型的意会句,在处理的时候要注意主语选择,以遥出现搭配失误。 (丝绸之路是不能发出带来这个动作的。 )遥文化在非洲遥日益受到欢迎,成为加深中非友谊的桥梁。 这个句子遥存在搭配问题,桥梁不能发出加深这个动作,因此只能简化为“友谊之桥。 ”像这类搭配问题在汉语当中到处都有,需要译者在日常生活中时时思考。 今年遥公民赴非旅游超过一百五十万人次。 多部遥电视剧在非洲遥播出。 近年来非洲赴华留学生人数年均增长百分之三十以上。 不少非洲歌手登上遥电视舞台,有多位非洲足球运动员来到遥踢球。 中非文化因交流而多彩,文化因互鉴而丰富。 参考答案:This year, the number of Chinese tourists bound for African has exceeded 1. 5 million people/time. Several Chinese TV series are on the air in African countries. The African students studying in China is increasing at an annual rate of 30%. Many African singers perform in Chinese TV programs and African soccer players compete in Chinese soccer leagues. Thanks to exchanges and mutual learning, the Chinese and African culture become rich and colorful. 多部遥电视剧在非洲遥播出。 这类内容一般都有专门说法,需要有意识地积累。 不少非洲歌手登上遥电视舞台,有多位非洲足球运动员来到遥踢球。 这句话当中登上遥电视舞台,来到遥踢球,都不能直译。 因为电视台不一定是在真正的舞台上表演,来遥踢球也不是随便踢踢,而是加入职业联赛。 因此在翻译时都要斟酌以后再行处理。 中非文化因交流而多彩,文化因互鉴而丰富。 这类看似上下联对仗的句子,实际上很可能是一句话,参考译文中的处理很值得借鉴。 再看一例:中餐烹调所用的天然原料,品种繁多,几无穷尽,烹调方法亦层出不穷,遥遥。 这个句子里有四个四字词,如果一一翻译,势必令译者词穷,即便能够翻译出来,听众听来也会觉得繁琐冗余。 如果进行合并,遥就会好很多:The Chinese cuisine is known for its incredibly rich choices of natural ingredients and numerous ways of treating them. 孔子学院是中外文化交流互鉴的重要平台。 学院以孔子命名。 这体现鲜明的遥特遥, 也体现出加强中外文化交流的良好愿望,非洲地区的孔子学院发展迅速。 2005年遥家孔子学院落户肯尼亚以来,已在三十二个非洲遥建成三十八所孔子学院和十个孔子课堂。 参考答案:Confucius Institutes are an important platform for exchanges between Chinese and foreign cultures. Named after Confucius, these institutes not only symbolize the distinctive Chinese culture, but also carry the good wishes of enhancing cultural exchanges and people-to-people friendship. Confucius institute develops rapidly in Africa. In 2005, the first institute was inaugurated in Kenya. Since then, 38 institute and 10 Confucius Classrooms were established in 32 African countries. 2005年遥家孔子学院落户肯尼亚以来,这个句子可以从中一分为二,有利用译者控制局面,落户肯尼亚was inaugurated in Kenya. 孔子学院既是海外汉语教学遥,也是向世界介绍遥的重要平台,除了汉语孔子学院也向当地遥介绍遥文化历史思想风俗习惯。 学院的汉语教学基于三个原则,有用处,有意思,有文化。 参考答案:Besides working as an organization teaching Chinese overseas, Confucius institute is also an important window to showcase China to the outside world. In addition to teaching Chinese language, it also introduces the local people knowledge on China’s culture, history, thoughts and customs. The school follows the three principles in its language education of being useful, interesting and helpful. 孔子学院既是海外汉语教学遥,也是向世界介绍遥的重要平台. 由于前面用了platform,这里换作window,介绍一词也变成了showcasing。