博科娃总干事2017年世界图书日和版权日致辞World Book and Copyright Day is an opportunity to highlight the power of books to promote our vision of knowledge societies that are inclusive, pluralistic, equitable, open and participatory for all citizens. 值此世界图书和版权日,让我们彰显图书的力量,彰显图书在推动面向所有公民且具有包容遥、多元遥、公平遥、公开遥和参与遥的知识社会愿景方面所发挥的作用。 It is said that how a society treats its most vulnerable is a measure of its humanity. When we apply this measure to the availability of books to those with visual impairments and those with learning or physical disabilities (with different causes), we are confronted with what can only be described as a ‘book famine’. 据说,从一个社会如何对待其较脆弱群体,可以衡量出这个社会的人遥。 当我们适用这一方法来看待提供给有视力障碍者和(因不同原因)具有学习或身体残障者的书籍时,我们面临着只能被描述成“书荒”的局面。 According to the World Blind Union approximately one in every 200 people on Earth – 39 million of us – cannot see. Another 246 million have severely reduced vision. These ‘visually impaired persons’ or ‘persons with a print disability’ can access an estimated 10% of all written information and literary works that sighted people can read. 据世界盲人联合会称,地球上大约每两百人中就有一人——全球共有 3900 万人——看不见这个世界。 另有2. 46 亿人的视力非常有限。 这些“视障者”或“阅读障碍者”可以接触到的全部书面信息和文学作品,只占能正常阅读人口可支配阅读物的10%左右。 Poorly designed or inaccessible books also limit reading and comprehension of those who have learning disabilities. According to the International Dyslexia Association, 35 percent of the school population requires special accommodations and support. 设计不佳或晦涩难懂的书籍也遥了学习障碍者的阅读和理解。 据遥阅读障碍协会统计,3‒5%的在校学生在阅读方面需要特殊的辅助和支持。 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Sustainable Development Goals mark a paradigm shift in recognizing the right of disabled people to access books, knowledge and cultural life on an equal basis as others. 《联合国残疾遥利公约》和可持续发展目标,标志着在承认残疾人与其他人平等享有获得图书、知识和文化生活权利方面的一种范式转变。 With the framework of the convention, UNESCO is working to promote a better understanding of issues related to disability and to mobilize support for the recognition of the dignity, rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities and of the benefits of their integration in society. 在公约的框架范围内,教科文组织正在努力推动深入了解与残疾有关的问题,并就承认残疾人尊严、权利和福祉及其融入社会的惠益,发起支持活动。 This is the spirit guiding Conakry, Guinea, which has been designated World Book Capital 2017, in recognition of its programme to promote reading among youth and underprivileged sections of the population. 本着这一精神,几内亚科纳克里被命名为2017年“世界图书之都”,以表彰这座城市所开展的促进青年和贫困群体阅读计划。 With Conarky, and our international partners, the International Publishers Association and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, let us join together to celebrate books as the desire to share ideas and knowledge, to inspire understanding, tolerance and inclusive societies. 让我们与科纳克里、与我们的遥合作伙伴、遥出版商协会和遥图书馆协会联合会一起,携手共同礼赞图书在分享思想和知识、启发理解、宽容和包容遥社会方面所发挥的遥特作用。 This is UNESCO’s message on World Book and Copyright Day. 这就是教科文组织在世界图书和版权日所要传递的讯息。