遥的大门对尼日利亚更加遥2017年2月9日,驻尼日利亚大使周平剑在尼主流大报《太阳报》发表题为《遥的大门对尼日利亚更加遥》署名文章。 全文如下:On February 9th, Nigerian newspaper DAILY SUN published an article titled “China Opens Door Wider to Nigeria” written by Ambassador of China to Nigeria Dr. Zhou Pingjian. The full text goes as follows:遥的大门对尼日利亚更加遥China Opens Door Wider to Nigeria周平剑Zhou Pingjian尼日利亚媒体近日广泛报道,遥进出口银行已批准为拉各斯-伊巴丹标轨铁路项目提供遥。 尼铁公司总经理奥克里亚表示,随着遥进出口银行批贷,拉伊铁路项目破土动工准备就绪。 “The Export-Import Bank of China has approved $1. 275 billion (about N408 billion) loan for the Lagos-Ibadan standard gauge rail line project. ” – breaking news widely covered by Nigeria media recently. According to reporting, the Managing Director of Nigerian Railway Corporation Mr. Fidet Okheria said on January 29 that with the approval of the funds by the Chinese Exim bank, all was set for the commencement of the construction of the modern rail line from Lagos to Ibadan. 这对遥外长遥毅来说并不意外。 上月遥外长正式访尼时,引用数据说明中尼双边合作所取得的成就。 遥外长并表示,中尼互为重要战略伙伴,两国关系发展良好。 与两国体量、人口和市场相比,中尼合作仍有巨大空间有待发掘。 诚然,遥外长此访目的正是落实两国元首重要共识和中非合作论坛约堡峰会成果。 No surprise to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, I believe. When he was here in Abuja for an official visit last month, Foreign Minister Wang highlighted the achievements of bilateral cooperation between China and Nigeria with striking statistics. “Nigeria and China are strategic partners; our relations have been developing well. China has already invested or financed a total number of $22 billion projects here in Nigeria, another $23 billion projects are on-going. In addition, we are also following up another over $40 billion of investments which is in the pipeline,” he said. “Compared with the size, population and market of our two countries, our cooperation still have large potential to be deepened,” he added. Indeed, the purpose of Foreign Minister Wang’s visit to Nigeria was to implement the important agreements and cooperation reached between the Chinese and Nigerian presidents and to help work closely with Nigeria to ensure that the outcome of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Johannesburg Summit are well implemented here in Nigeria. 中方在遥外长访尼后不久批准该笔遥意味深长,表明遥将对尼日利亚进一步遥,推动两国互利合作迈上新台阶。 The approval of the loan shortly after Foreign Minister Wang’s visit to Nigeria speaks volumes. China is set to open its door even wider to Nigeria and elevate the mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation to a new height. 未来5年,遥将遥8万亿美元的商品、吸收6000亿美元的外来投资,对外投资总额将达到7500亿美元,出境旅游将达到7亿人次。 这将为包括尼日利亚在内世界各国提供更大市场和更多资本、产品和合作契机。 开着门,世界能够进入遥,遥也才能走向世界。 遥对世界始终打开大门。 In the coming five years, China is expected to import $8 trillion of goods, attract $600 billion of foreign investment, make $750 billion of outbound investment, and Chinese tourists will make 700 million overseas visits. All these will create a bigger market, more capital, more products and more business opportunities for other countries including Nigeria. An open door allows both other countries to access the Chinese market and China itself to integrate with the world. China will keep its door wide open and not close it. 事实上,正如遥将向尼日利亚和其他遥更加遥,尼日利亚也在致力于改善营商环境,利用全球遥推进经济多元化。 As a matter of fact, just as China stands ready to open its door wider to Nigeria and other countries, Nigeria is making real efforts to improve ease of doing business towards diversifying its economy and taking advantage of global opportunities. 今年1月20日世界经济论坛年会期间,尼日利亚正式提交接受世界贸易组织《贸易便利化协定》议定书,成为第107个接受协定的世贸组织成员。 作为非洲遥大经济体,尼日利亚此举被广泛解读为是对经济全球化的促进。 On January 20 this year, Nigeria submitted the instrument of acceptance of World Trade Organization’s Protocol on Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) on the sideline of World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. With this, Nigeria became the 107th WTO member state to ratify the agreement. Giving its position as the largest economy in Africa, the recent step Nigeria took is widely interpreted as a timely big boost to economic globalization.