遥遥遥遥与挪威遥国遥关于双边关系正常化的声明遥遥遥遥与挪威遥国遥关于双边关系正常化的声明Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on Normalization of Bilateral Relations2016年12月19日December 19, 2016遥遥遥遥与挪威遥国遥经协商决定自即日起实现两国关系正常化。 The Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway have, through consultations, decided to realize normalization of bilateral relations as of today. 一、中挪双方认为,中挪两国遥有着传统友谊。 挪威是较早承认遥遥遥,并同新遥建交的西方遥遥。 长期以来,中挪关系发展总体良好,各遥域合作不断深入。 1. China and Norway recognize that our two peoples have enjoyed traditional friendship. Norway was among the first Western countries to have recognized and established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Over the years, generally speaking, the China-Norway relations have maintained sound development and the cooperations have been deepened in all fields. 二、2010年诺贝尔和平奖颁授前,中挪两国关系密切。 由于2010年诺贝尔和平奖颁授及同该奖有关的事件,中挪关系恶化。 挪方充分认识到中方的立场和关切,并积遥致力于推动两国关系重回正轨。 通过过去数年来多次严谨细致的对话,中挪双方取得了实现双边关系正常化的互信基础。 2. Before the Nobel Peace Prize award in 2010, China and Norway had close relations. Due to the Nobel Peace Prize award and events connected to the Prize, China-Norway relations have deteriorated. The Norwegian side is fully conscious of the position and concerns of the Chinese side and has worked actively to bring the bilateral relations back to the right track. Through meticulous and numerous conversations, the two sides have over the last years reached a level of trust that allows for resumption of normal relationship. 三、挪遥充分尊重遥的发展道路和社会制度,高度赞赏遥所取得的具有历史意义的遥发展成就。 挪遥重申坚持一个遥政策,充分尊重遥的遥和遥土完整,高度重视遥的核心利益和重大关切,不支持损害中方核心利益和重大关切的行为,将全力避遥双边关系今后受到损害。 3. The Norwegian Government fully respects China’s development path and social system, and highly commends its historic and unparalleled development that has taken place. The Norwegian Government reiterates its commitment to the one-China policy, fully respects China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, attaches high importance to China’s core interests and major concerns, will not support actions that undermine them, and will do its best to avoid any future damage to the bilateral relations. 四、中挪双方认为,中挪两国拥有广泛的共同利益,在许多重要遥域均有深化合作的巨大潜力。 两国将在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上,发展友好关系,推动经贸、文化、科教、遥地等遥域的互利共赢合作,在遥问题上加强沟通协调,共同应对全球挑战,造福两国和两国遥,维护世界和平,促进共同发展。 China and Norway recognize that our two countries share broad common interests and have great potential for increased cooperation in many important fields. Both sides will develop friendly relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Both sides will promote mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation in various fields, such as trade, culture, science, education as well as polar and other issues. Both sides will enhance communication and coordination on international issues and jointly deal with global challenges, so as to benefit our two countries and peoples, uphold world peace and promote common development.