


2016-11-24 00:00:00浏览:
遥位女诗人是:蔡琰(蔡文姬) The first Chinese female poet: Cai Yan,her style name (字) is Wenji 2.
遥位女词人是:李清照 The first female poet of lyric Chinese poetry Ci: Li Qingzhao,pseudonym Yi'an Jushi (号 易安居士)3.
遥部词典是:尔雅 The earliest Chinese dictionary: EryaChinese scholars interpret the first title character er (尔:"you, your") as a phonetic loan character for the homophonous er (迩: "near; close; approach"), and believe the second ya (雅; "proper; correct; refined; elegant") refers to words or language.
遥部大百科全书是:永乐大典 The earliest general encyclopedia:The Yongle Encyclopedia,commissioned by the Chinese Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle in 1403 and completed by 1408.
遥部诗歌总集是:诗经 The earliest existing collection of Chinese poems and songs:The Book of Songs / The Classic of Poetry / The Book of Odes6.
遥部文选:昭明文选 The first collections of Chinese poetry: Wen Xuan (Selected Literature), also known as Zhao Ming Wen Xuan.
It was compiled by Xiao Tong, the eldest son of Emperor Wu of Liang, and a group of scholars he had assembled.
After Xiao Tong's death he was given the posthumous name Zhao Ming (outstanding, remarkable) 文选由梁朝太子萧统主持编撰,死后谥号昭明。
遥部字典:说文解字 "Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters",the first Chinese dictionary to analyze the structure of the characters and to give the rationale behind them, as well as the first to use the principle of organization by sections with shared components, called radicals.
遥部神话集:山海经 The first collection of mythology: Shan Hai Jing, a fabled geographical and cultural account of pre-Qin China.
遥部文言志人小说集:世说新语 The first book of anecdotes and character sketches written in classical Chinese: A New Account of the Tales of the World10.
遥部文言志怪小说集:搜神记 In Search of the Supernatural:the first compilation of legends, short stories and hearsay concerning spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena written in classical Chinese.
遥部纪传体通史:史记 The first biographical general history of China: Records of the Grand Historian12.
遥部编年体史书是:春秋 The earliest chronicle of China: The Spring and Autumn Annals13.
遥部断代史:汉书 The first dynastic history: Book of Han14.
遥部兵书:孙子兵法 The earliest Chinese military treatise: The Art of War