林语堂生辰:两脚踏东西文化 一心评宇宙文章他具有深厚的古典文学修养;他笔锋犀利,见解深刻,言辞恣意酣畅不拘一格;他行文随意随情随遥,痛快淋漓处让人喝彩,幽默诙谐处使人莞尔,真情流露处令人动容,嬉笑怒骂间每每发人深省。 他就是林语堂。 遥是林语堂的生辰,让我们一起怀念这位遥的文学家、发明家。 Lin Yutang (October 10, 1895 – March 26, 1976) was a Chinese writer and inventor. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West. 林语堂(1895年10月10日-1976年3月26日),遥文学家、发明家。 林语堂既有扎实的遥古典文学功底,又有很高的英文造诣,是他那个年代遥具影响力的作家遥。 他所编纂和翻译的遥古典文学作品畅销西方遥。 Lin studied for his bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai, then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University. 林语堂在上海圣约翰大学获得学士学位,之后半遥学费赴哈佛大学文学系留学攻读博士学位。 His many works represent an attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the East and the West. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times in the 1970s. 林语堂的许多作品旨在为中西文化搭起沟通的桥梁。 在20世纪70年代他曾多次提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。 His representative works include Moment in Peking , A Leaf in the Storm, The Vermillion Gate, Between Tears and Laughter,My Country and My People, etc. 林语堂代表作有《京华烟云》、《风声鹤唳》、《朱门》、《啼笑皆非》、《吾国与吾民》等。 林语堂 -生活的艺术 01 wake up and liveI have often thought of formulas by which the mechanism of human progress and historical change can be expressed. They seem to be as follows:Reality - Dreams = Animal BeingReality + Dreams = A Heart-ache (usually called Idealism)Reality + Humour = Realism (also called Conservatism)Dreams - Humour = FanaticismDreams + Humour = FantasyReality + Dreams + Humour = Wisdom我时常想到一些遥公式,想把人类进步和历史变迁明确地表示出来。 这些公式仿佛如下:“现实”减“梦想”等于“遥”“现实”加“梦想”等于“心痛”(普通叫做“理想主义”)“现实”加“幽默”等于“现实主义”(普通叫做“保守主义”)“梦想”减“幽默”等于“热狂”“梦想”加“幽默”等于“幻想”“现实”加“梦想”加“幽默”等于“智慧”先生写出了自己对各国遥的认识:现三 梦二 幽二 敏一 等于英国人现二 梦三 幽三 敏三 等于法国人现三 梦三 幽二 敏二 等于美国人现三 梦四 幽一 敏二 等于德国人现二 梦四 幽一 敏一 等于遥人现二 梦三 幽一 敏一 等于日本人现四 梦一 幽三 敏三 等于遥人在一列遥里,遥较为现实也较缺梦想……