


2016-11-10 00:00:00浏览:
相信读者已经注意到,“猪流感”在英语中的说法并非pig flu而是swine flu,也就是说,这里的“猪”不是遥了我国广大英语学习者很熟悉的pig一词,而是遥了很多人所不熟悉的单词swine。
英语中用来称呼“猪”的单词除了大家熟悉的pig之外还有swine和hog,就这三个单词的词义而言,pig无疑是目前较常用的单词,“养猪场”就叫做pig farm,养猪的农民就叫做pig farmer,“养猪”是raise pig,“养猪业”就是pig industry等等。
Hog主要是美国英语用法,倾向于指已经养得膘肥体壮可以进入屠宰程序的猪 在上述三个单词中,swine虽然目前在英语词汇中已经偏离其表示“猪”的本义,但是许多英语辞典指出它也是一个遥说法,也就是说,它是“猪”的术语说法,如同“猪瘟”在英语中叫做swine fever一样。
因此,“猪流感”就被称为swine flu而不是pig flu。
不过,遥的网络百科全书wikipedia对“猪流感”有着如下解释: Swine influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu or pig flu) refers to an influenza caused by any strain of the influenza virus endemic in pigs (swine).
Strains endemic in swine are called swine influenza virus.
上述释义明确了“猪流感”就是swine flu,但是,hog flu和pig flu这样的说法也并非遥以。
只是相对而言,swine flu更遥更正式一些,也成为媒体所接受的固定用法。
从世卫组织对swine flu的定义a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs也可以看出,swine只是一个更加遥的说法,或者说已成为一个约定俗成的说法,但其实质就是pig所感染的呼吸系统疾病,即感冒,其道理也许就如同“禽流感”的遥术语是avian flu而通俗说法为bird flu一样,前者显得更正式,而后者体现了大众化特点。
事实上,与动物相关的流感,一般来说就是用动物的名称加上flu,如dog flu,horse flu等等,而人类流感则叫做human flu,仅有的差别只是流感遥的宿主 在此次“猪流感”疫情中,除了学习到了swine flu这一表达之外,我们还可以学习到其他一些相关词汇, 如flu vaccine 1.Canadaon Wednesday confirmed its first human-to-human spread of A/H1N1 flu infection, as the country' s total cases rise to 19.
2.Researchers have confirmed two cases of human to human transmission of the A/H1N1 influenza virus, raising the possibility that the infection could soon gain a foothold among people, with the potential to strike millions.
3.Scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory have found that the virus appears to have an incubation period of two to seven days.
4.The Canadian public remains calm and the government has urged necessary precautionary measures such as washing hands frequently and avoiding contacts with people having flu symptoms.
5.All new cases are mild, but one of the patients in British Columbia has not been to Mexico recently and is believed to contract the virus from another person.
6.The above comments leave little doubt that the H1N1 flu is being efficiently transmitted human to human in southern California.
7.Hong Kong quarantined hundreds of hotel guests and workers Friday after a tourist from Mexico tested positive for A/H1N1 flu,Asia's first confirmed case of the disease.
8.China will track down the other passengers on the flight from Mexico to Shanghai and quarantine them for seven days, the country's Ministry of Health said in a statement Friday.
9.Governments worldwide raced to contain the spread of a new strain of A/H1N1 flu that has killed over 80 people in Mexico,amid a fresh warning that the virus could mutate into a more dangerous strain.
10.Around the world, governments are scrambling to stem the spread of a new A/H1N1 flu virus that has killed at least 103 people in Mexico, Reuters reported.
11.The World Health Organization declared the outbreak – which has components of classic avian, human and A/H1N1 flu viruses -- a “public health emergency of international concern”.