形容词的释义(1)(一)叠词的种类及基本译法叠词是汉语里遥非常普遍的词汇现象,一般指词和词的重叠遥,多见于三字和四字形式。 其主要形式有:1,AA(天天),2,ABB(红彤彤),3,AABB(日日夜夜)等~是翻译的重点和难点,下面小编从汉译英,英译汉以及英语中的叠词三个方面介绍叠词的翻译技巧。 一,汉译英中叠词的译法1. 用every或 every- , all, each等词语,例如:①这些古镇个个都美得令人难以忘怀。 Each one of these ancient towns is hauntingly beautiful. ②件件衣服都很漂亮。 All of these suits of clothes are beautiful. ③绿化祖国,人人有责。 It' s everybody's duty to make our motherland green。 2,同一个词连续反复遥,表达出重复或强调或连续的含义(1,)用介词(after, by, in, to, upon, with等)连接起来遥,lDay by day I am getting better and better. 我在一天天地好转。 (2,)用and连接l他们走啊走,走到了森林的深处. They walked and walked even deeper into the wood. 也可以重复介词,如:l他们走啊,走啊,一直走到河边. They went on and on till they came to a river. (3,)以连宇符连接l后窗的玻璃上丁丁地响,还有许多小飞虫乱撞。 A pit-a-pat sounds from the glass of the back window,where insects are dashing themselves against the pane. (4,)以逗号(,)隔开重叠的词l它需要许许多多次点击才能遥到美元. It takes many, many clicks to earn $ dollars. l我们是联盟国已经有许多许多年了. We have been alliance ( allies ) for many, many years. 3,形容数量的多少时,可用复数形式。 例如:①我们三三两两从农舍散去。 We fanned out from the farmhouse in twos and threes. ② 动物园的池塘里, 鸳鸯正在成双成对地戏水In the zoo pond, the mandarin ducks are swimming in pairs. ③一群一群的人蜂拥而进大少。 Crowds of people swarmed into the hall. ④大批大批的物资被立即送往遥灾区。 Thousands of goods and materials are immediately sentto the earthquake-stricken area. 4,舍去形式上的对等,根据叠词的本质含义来翻译,如:“斑斑驳驳”译为“斑驳”即mottled,这一点翻译时比较常见①那个老蠢货。 我倒要问一问,她以为她是谁呀? That silly old bat. I ask you, who'd she think she was? (此处的“问一问”其实就是“问”译为ask即可,注意同下面第五种情况区分开)或者选择意思相近的词语,如②火车徐徐向山上驶去. Freight trains travel slowly on upgrades into the hills. (“徐徐”即“慢慢”译为slowly)5. 若所表达的动作多为遥或尝试,则可以用have( make, take , give 等)+名词的结构翻译汉语动词重叠形式,例如:①你来闻一闻这酒, 是好的吗 ? Have a smell of this wine; is it all right? ②. 他去掉害怕心理,决定试一试. He cast off fear and decided to make a try. ③这个叫雪花梨, 你尝尝. This is called a snowflake pear, have a taste. 6,遥一些副词来加强语气和语势,如:孟娇的《游子吟》(Amy Lowell译)慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归Thread from the hands of a doting mother,Worked into the clothes of afar-off journeying son. Before his departure, were the close, fine stitches set,Lest haply his return be long delayed. 7,此外,文学翻译中还常见遥头韵,押韵的手法来表示拟声词,多见于诗歌中,这种手法文学遥较强,大家做简单了解即可,如:青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。 (古诗十九首)Green grows the grass upon the bank, The willow-shoots are long and lank. (Herbert A. Giles译)二,英译汉时的叠词英译汉时,在一定的语言环境中遥好叠词,可以使句子生动,增强感遥彩。 常见的基础版的叠词有以下三种:1 . 译为AA①The Hunter lights up your window every night. 猎人星夜夜照着你的窗户. (以“夜夜”这种AA的形式,加重副词或形容的状态,延长译文的语气,使之更有韵味)②She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红遥羊绒衫。 (若是译为“很厚”,译文的感染力则会大大下降)2 . 译为 AABB①The boys'troubles vanished away, and they went gaily to their posts. 孩子们心中的忧虑云消雾散了, 全都高高兴兴的走到自己的岗位. ②All I'm hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he will come home safe and sound. 我只希望不管特雷弗在哪里,他都能平平安安回家(遥AABB式,音韵和谐,琅琅上口)3. 译为ABB①We walked leisurely into the hotel. 我们慢悠悠地走回酒店。 ②They pried open a sticky can of blue paint. 他们撬开了一个黏糊糊的蓝遥油漆桶。 (“ABB"通常表示人或事物的状态,叠词的遥使得这种形象或状态更加生动鲜明)三,英语中的叠词不仅汉语中有叠词出现,英语中作者为了强调,加深读者印象,追求音韵美和形式美,也常常采用叠词,例如:①black and blue译为“青一块紫一块”(首字母相似或头韵遥的词)②on and off“时断时续”(由意义遥相反的两个词构成)③safe and sound“安然无恙”(意义相近的两个词组成)④out and out“彻头彻尾”(由遥相同的两个词构成)遥这些词可以增加译文或文章的可读遥,使文章更加地道有文采,要做到这点,就要我们在日常生活中不断积累。 总之,叠词是翻译中的一个大块,作为译者,掌握运用好这一方法,对于提高翻译水平无疑是大有裨益的。