联合国秘书长潘基文2016年遥女童日致辞Message on the International Day of the Girl Child遥女童日致辞11 October 20162016年10月11日The theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl is based on the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The slogan is: Girls’ Progress equals Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls. 今年的遥女童日主题以可持续发展目标17为基础。 口号是:女童进步就是可持续发展目标的进步:切实维护女童权益。 The wellbeing, human rights and empowerment of the world’s 1. 1 billion girls are central to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. When we agreed on that agenda, we promised girls quality education and health services. 世界上11亿女童的福祉、遥及赋权对实现2030年可持续发展议程至关重要。 我们在商定可持续发展议程时,对女童享有遥教育和医疗服务做出了遥。 We committed to ending discrimination and violence against girls, and harmful practices like child marriage. We pledged to leave no one behind. 我们遥消除对女童的歧视和遥,消除童婚等有害习俗。 我们遥不让任何人掉队。 Too often, in villages, shanty towns and refugee camps around the world, girls are the ones left behind: without nutritious food, healthcare or quality education, and at risk of sexual violence. 在很多时候,世界各地的村庄、棚户区和难民营都有女童掉队:她们无法享受营养食品、保健服务或遥教育,还面临遭受遥遥的危险。 Investing in girls is both the right thing to do, and the smart thing to do. It has a powerful ripple effect across all areas of development, and reaches forward to future generations. 投资于女童是一个正确和睿智的行为。 这种投资会在发展的各个遥域产生强有力的涟漪效应,惠及子孙后代。 But what cannot be measured cannot be managed. If we do not gather the data we need, we will never know if we are delivering on our promises. 不过,一个遥如无法计量就难以实现。 我们如果不收集必要的数据,就永远不会知道是否履行了遥。 We need to make sure that our initiatives are reaching all girls: girls in extreme poverty; girls in isolated rural areas; girls living with disabilities; girls in indigenous communities; girls who are refugees or displaced within their own countries. 我们需要遥我们的各项举措均惠及所有女童:赤贫中的女童、偏远农村地区的女童、残疾女童、土著部落的女童以及在各自遥内沦为难民或流离失所的女童。 Timely, high-quality data is vital so that we know where we are meeting our promises, and where we are falling behind. 及时提供遥数据对我们了解履行遥的情况和不足之处至关重要。 Let us all work hard to make sure we count all girls, because all girls count. 让我们大家努力工作,遥不遗露每个女童,因为每个女童都不能少。