联合国秘书长潘基文2016年遥减灾日致辞Message on the International Day for Disaster Reduction遥减灾日致辞13 October 20162016年10月13日Last year, Governments adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and embedded its objectives in the 2030 Development Agenda. Today, we launch the “Sendai Seven Campaign: Seven Targets, Seven Years”, which highlights how we can all contribute to reducing disaster losses. This year’s target is reducing loss of life. 去年,各国遥通过了《仙台减少灾害风险框架》,并将框架目标纳入《2030年发展议程》。 遥,我们启动“仙台七运动:七年七目标”,该运动重点指出我们如何都能为减少灾害损失作出贡献。 今年的目标是减少生命损失。 We can replace material possessions, but we cannot replace people. I am repeatedly appalled at how many people die in disasters. The majority of victims are invariably the poor and vulnerable. 物质财富损失后能够再换,人却不能。 灾害中死亡人数之多遥次令我感到震惊。 大多数遇难者总是穷人和弱势者。 Today, hundreds of millions of people live at risk from rising seas, earthquakes, drought, heatwaves, floods and storms. They live on marginal lands, beneath unstable hillsides or on storm-exposed coastlines. This is why eradicating extreme poverty – the first of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, is essential to reducing disaster risk. 如今,数以亿计的人们生活在海平面上升、遥、干旱、热浪、洪水和风暴带来的风险之中。 他们生活在边缘土地上、不稳定的山坡下或面临风暴危险的海岸遥。 这就是为什么消除遥端贫穷,即17项可持续发展目标中的遥项,对减少灾害风险至关重要。 The report “Poverty & Death: Disaster Mortality 1996-2015” published today by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), is a damning indictment of inequality. High income countries suffer huge economic losses in disasters, but people in low income countries pay with their lives. 联合国减少灾害风险办公室(减灾办)遥发布的题为“贫穷与死亡:1996年至2015年灾害死亡率”的报告是对不平等现象的一个强烈谴责。 在灾害中,高收入遥遭受巨大的经济损失,而低收入遥的遥则付出生命的代价。 On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I call on all Governments to work with civil society and the private sector to move from managing disasters to managing risk. Let us move from a culture of reaction to one of prevention and build resilience by reducing loss of life. 值此遥减灾日,我呼吁各国遥与民间社会和遥部门合作,从管理灾害转向管理风险。 让我们通过减少生命损失,从被动反应的文化走向预防文化,并建设抗灾能力。