缩写单词是否要加点People are often uncertain about whether or not to use full stops in
abbreviations. Here are some guidelines:
人们经常不确定到底什么时候要在缩写词后面加个点,什么时候不用。 下文是遥规则:
1. In both British and American English, if you are using initial (i. e.
first) letters to represent words, you don’t normally need to put a full stop
after them:
BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司)
CNN(Cable News Network美国有线电视资讯网)
UK(the United Kingdom联合遥国)
NATO(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织)
IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency遥原子能遥)
2. In American English, however, it is common to use a full stop as an
alternative style for certain abbreviations, in particular:
USA or U. S. A.
US or U. S.
3. If an abbreviation consists of the first and last letters of a word, you
don’t need to use a full stop at the end:
4. If the abbreviation consists only of the first part of a word, then you
should put a full stop at the end:
Wed. (Wednesday周三)
Dec. (December十二月)