替酒师:妈妈再也不用担心我酒驾回家了一群朋友晚上出去聚餐的时候,一般都会指定一个人当专职司机,负责在聚餐结束后把大家送回家,因此,这个人就只能喝饮料、吃饭,不能饮酒。 那么,如果有人向这个人敬酒怎么办呢? 朋友们想了个办法,让他也指定一个可以替他喝酒的人。
Designated drunk refers to someone chosen by a group of friends who assumes
responsibility for all drink offers given to the designated driver at a party.
Designated driver is someone chosen by the friends to drive everyone home after
the party, and that means this person cannot take any shots.
drunk指一群朋友出去玩的时候指定一个人替较后开车送大家回家的人喝酒,可以称之为“替酒师”。 那个派对结束后负责开车送大家回家的人叫designated
The designated drunk is usually chosen by the driver. The designated drunk
will take all offers of toasts, shots, and drinking competitions in place of the
出去玩的时候,还有一类人,他们不开车,尽情开怀畅饮,喝醉了以后不用别人送,也能自己回家。 大家都说这类人脑子里一定有个指南针。
Beer compass refers to the invisible device that ensures your safe arrival
home after a booze cruise, even though you're too pissed to remember where you
live, how you get there, and where you've come from. It seems that there is a
beer compass in your head that can get you back at home without even remembering
啤酒指南针指喝得酩酊大醉之后还能让你安全回到家的一种无形的指路设备,你可能醉得连住在哪里、怎么回家的以及从哪里回的家都不记得。 好像你脑中有一个啤酒指南针,能够让你在断片的情况下回到家里。