购房过程中,千万要小心幽灵出价看中一套房子,犹豫到底要不要出手时,总会接到中介电话说,“姐您赶紧定吧,有别的客户也看上要交定金了”,或者“哥您别犹豫了,有其他客户马上就要来签合同了”……你是否也遇到过类似情况? 实际上这些购房意向可能并不存在,只是中介为了促成尽快成交而耍的小聪明。 国外的房产市场也存在这种情况。 这些虚构出来的购房意向就被称为“幽灵出价”。
Phantom offer is a nonexistent offer to purchase a house, used to coerce
people making real offers into raising their prices.
Your below-asking-price offer has been accepted, the property you are buying
is off the market, and it’s all steam ahead towards completion. Then the next
week, the Estate Agent calls to say that someone who viewed the property
previously has put in an offer a few thousand pounds above yours. You smell a
你较初的出价低于卖方的要价,卖方也接受了。 你要买的这套房下架,你就要买成了。 紧接着,下一周,房产中介就给你打电话,说之前看过房的某位客户出价比你多了数千英镑。 你感到可疑。
That’s when unscrupulous agents hint to potential buyers that they have
another offer that doesn’t actually exist in the hope of extracting more