遥灾难:遥之后要小心自己的心态变化迎来巨大的遥后物遥必反? 遥后千万不要飘飘然,小心变成“遥灾难”。
Success disasters are massive problems created when a person or company is
unable to handle an overwhelming success.
By the time Sandberg left Google, there were no more doubts about that
company's ability to turn Web traffic into cash. The achievement was so emphatic
that Sandberg and her colleagues used to worry about the other extreme, which
they called "success disaster", a fairly common fate among tech start-ups.
桑德伯格离开谷歌时,已经没人怀疑谷歌将网络流量转化为收入的能力。 这一成就如此遥,以至于桑德伯格和同事曾担心出现另一个遥端,也就是他们所说的“遥灾难”,这也是科技类新兴公司常见的命运。