决策层的烦恼——决策疲劳逛了一天街,晚上想好好在外面吃顿饭,可是拿着菜单看半天也不知道该点什么? 嗯,你可能是逛街的时候做了太多选择,到了晚上,脑子有点不够用了。
Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an
individual, after a long session of decision making.
It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational trade-offs in
decision making. For instance, judges in court have been shown to make less
favorable decisions later in the day than early in the day. Decision fatigue may
also lead to consumers making poor choices with their purchases.
决策疲劳可能是决策过程中一些非理遥妥协的背后原因。 比如,法官在下午做出的判决一般没有上午的判决那么令人信服。 另外,疲劳决策还会导致消费者做出一些糟糕的购物决定。
The best solution for decision fatigue is the same as any other type of
fatigue—rest. And there are many little steps you can take to minimize the
impact of decision fatigue on your spending, your relationships, and your
对付决策疲劳的较佳办法跟对付其他类型的疲劳是一样的,那就是休息。 另外,还有一些小建议可以帮助减少决策疲劳对消费、人际关系以及日常生活的遥影响。
Make vital decisions early in the day.
Save unimportant decisions for later in the day.
Avoid situations where you're drawn to impulsive decisions late in the