刷牙的十大误区,你中了吗?(上)Electric toothbrushes - yes, this may sound strange but if you are not using
the right technique, they can be useless.
With most electric toothbrushes you only need to touch the tooth with the
If you push too hard the bristles bend and are not effective.
Take your electric toothbrush with you and ask your dental hygienist for a
Whitening toothpastes
Abrasive tooth pastes such as bicarbonate or whitening pastes.
They are abrasive and can wear your enamel away and in the long-term lead to
sensitivity and darkening of your teeth as the enamel wears and the inner
amber-coloured dentine becomes visible.
Rinsing too soon with water after brushing
We all use water to clean our teeth but swishing water in your mouth too soon
after brushing washes away much of the fluoride with it and minimises your
toothpaste's effectiveness.
If you feel the need to rinse out your mouth after brushing, use a (non
alcohol-based) mouthwash.
You shouldn't eat or drink for at least half an hour after brushing your
Brushing your teeth too hard
Poor tooth brushing techniques can harm your teeth - if you really scrub your
teeth too hard, you will wear the sides of your teeth down, leaving V-shaped
defects near the gum margins.
Also, don't always start brushing the same place.
If you always start on the top right side, that section is going to get the
most attention.
Most people get bored as they are brushing, so the areas covered last get the
least attention.
Mix-up your brushing technique so all areas are covered adequately.
You should brush in a circular motion - rather than from side to side.
Alcohol-based mouth washes can be harsh and long-term use has been linked to
development of oral cancers.
Studies have found that excessive use - three times a day - presents a health