


2016-08-15 00:00:00浏览:
刷牙的十大误区,你中了吗?(下)Again the wrong technique such as a sawing motion can cause damage and recession of the gums.
You should slide the floss gently up-and-down between your teeth.
Brushing at the wrong times and too much This can cause damage as well.
Do not brush straight after eating citrus/acidic fruits or after wine.
The tooth enamel1 is softened2 by the acid and brushing straight after will wear the teeth down.
Instead wait for 30 minutes for the acids to neutralise before brushing or even use a fluoride mouthwash to help neutralise the acid.
Holistic3 toothpastes They are becoming more and more popular.
However, I see patients using these suddenly developing tooth decay or gum issues.
Unfortunately they tend to have little science behind them.
If a toothpaste is fluoride free I would not recommend it.
Fluoride has been proven without doubt to prevent tooth decay.
A holistic toothpaste without fluoride may help with gum disease prevention but not tooth decay.
Hard toothbrushes Hard toothbrushes can cause excessive wear and recession of the gums.
Brushing your teeth for 45 seconds Surveys show that as many 43 percent of patients brush their teeth for just 45 seconds.
This is not long enough to give them a proper clean.
You should clean your teeth for at least two minutes.